Halo MCC CE: Walk it off Achievement guide

Halo CEA opening MCC 2

Last Updated on: 22nd November 2021, 01:40 pm

Walk it off is an achievement in Halo MCC CE for completing the Pillar of Autumn on Legendary without touching a health kit during the entire mission.

How to get the Walk if off Achievement in Halo MCC CE

Walk it off is an achievement in Halo MCC CE for completing the first mission, the Pillar of Autumn, without using a med kit throughout the entire level.

This isn’t much of a challenge alone but it has to be done on legendary as well.

These kits are spread throughout the level, so you’ll need to be careful to avoid picking them up accidentally throughout, particularly as they’re often placed on walls near doorways that are required to complete the level.

If you’re doing this achievement you might also want to do Overshields are for sissies at the same time, which I’ve written a specific guide for here.

Medkits are often seen just off to the side of main doorways, as shown above, so be careful where you walk.

If you’re bearing in mind to avoid them throughout, you just need to complete the level as normal now.

Some are thrown on the floor as the ship gets thrown around and rocked by the attack on it later in the level, so make sure to keep your eyes open and avoid those too.

READ MORE: Halo MCC CE: Pillar of Autumn double challenge guide

Is there anything else?

That’s everything for the Walk it off achievement, there really is not much to it, just avoid picking them up throughout the level and you’re good. It’s worth looking into our double challenge guide to do this and another achievement challenge at the same time to get them out of the way quickly.

In any case, that’s about everything for this short guide. We’ve got more Halo content available for you if you’re interested, and if you’d like to try reading more of what I’ve written, my content is available on my author page.