Halo Infinite: Popular Reddit thread finds “negative aim assist” for KBM

Halo Infinite, Chief and the Weapon

Last Updated on: 1st January 2022, 07:35 pm

Halo Infinite has had a fair bit of player backlash over a variety of issues so far, but negative aim assist on PC is a new one.

Sorry, Negative aim assist in Halo Infinite?

For reference for the rest of this article, KBM = Keyboard and Mouse.

At the time of writing, the thread has around 11k upvotes on the /r/Halo subreddit, and you can find the thread about negative aim assist issues in Halo Infinite using a KBM at the link provided.

There’s an embedded video in the thread of around 1 minute 40 seconds, showcasing various weapons aimed via KBM, and shows the player tracking quite well with some weapons, yet struggling with the sniper rifle unscoped.

This clip could be faked by the creator, after all, typically the vast majority of aim in any given game regardless of aim assist if player-driven, so it’s hard to rule that out. With that said, the feedback in the majority of the thread seems to agree with the video, so there might just be something there.

Halo Infinite Campaign Intro Upscaled
Credit: 343 Industries

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Personal investigation

When I tried this out for myself on PC with both KBM and Controller, I didn’t find anything I would consider particularly conclusive either way in my quick session of Halo infinite, so the negative aim assist question remains fairly unanswered there for me.

It did feel like something was off with KBM personally compared to Controller when aiming an unscoped sniper rifle, although I have yet to play the game much and fully customise my sensitivity so I won’t offer any more thoughts there.

Personally, I tend to focus more on short-range weapons in shooters as well, though as I almost exclusively play KBM it does seem odd to me that I performed (admittedly, anecdotally) better with a controller.

Is there anything else?

In any case, that’s about everything for this topic at the moment. We’ve got more Halo content available for you if you’re interested, and if you’d like to try reading more of what I’ve written, my content is available on my author page.