While we’ve seen tons of hit games come in and out of the fame in the past year or two, one game near everyone has had their eyes on is GTA 6. Its no secret that GTAV dominated gaming culture for a number of years, and GTA Online still sees use.
However, the next generation of consoles are upon us and inter-connectivity is more important than ever. That begs the question, Will GTA 6 be cross platform in its multiplayer?
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Well, the answer isn’t clear, but we have some ideas to base the question off. GTA VI hasn’t been announced, though Rockstar surely has to have some plans regarding the game considering the sweeping success of its predecessor.

Also, for better or definitely for worse, COVID hit the world by storm and showed us how games with fun, interconnected multiplayer can rise to the top of gaming popularity for a time. Fall Guys and Among Us have been two breakout hits that thrived due to cross platform multiplayer.
Even larger, more longstanding games have seen greater success through use of cross platform multiplayer. Final Fantasy XIV, Rocket League, and Fortnite have supported players on different platforms playing together for years.
As such, its clear there’s a greater demand than ever for cross platform in gaming, and eyes are on Rockstar as to whether or not they’ll include it when GTA 6 is shown off.

GTA Online isn’t cross platform, which could be seen as a sign things are grim, but for all we know they may feel the game is already old enough to not see a huge boost in suddenly making it cross platform. A new game that is sure to sell millions early on could be more on the radar for a big change like crossplay.
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So will GTA 6 be cross platform? Well, there’s incredibly little information to go off, but I’d be surprised if there isn’t crossplay at the end of the title’s lifespan.