Genshin Impact 2.0: How to get Constellations for the Electro Traveler

electro traveler constellation

Last Updated on: 22nd July 2021, 10:14 pm

With the arrival of Genshin Impact version 2.0, while most of the hype is based around the new characters like Ayaka and Yoimiya, many people are excited about a “new old” character, the Electro Traveler. 

The protagonist’s new powers seems to be miHoYo’s answer to the multiple complaints about both Anemo and Geo Travelers not being on the same level as the other characters despite being 5-star characters. While they have their niches, they aren’t very popular characters.

The Electro Traveler seems to be a better designed character skill-wise, essentially serving as an incredible Energy battery for any team. One of his biggests advantages is that he’s given for free, and so are his Constellations. But how to get them?

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Getting the Electro Traveler Constellations

You quickly notice, as soon as you get to Inazuma, that the Memory of Violet Flash (his Constellation item) is given as a reward for leveling the Statue of the Seven. 4 of them can be obtained that way.

For that, you’ll need to find Electroculos around Inazuma and exchange them for the rewards in any of the Statues. They are given on levels 3, 5, 7 and 9. For that, you can use the official Interactive Map from miHoYo’s site.

electro traveler constellation statue
Credit: miHoYo

But notice that, at the moment, we cannot get more than 2 Memories in this way. With all the content available now, we can only get the Statue to Lv 6, being a few Oculi away from Lv 7. More Electroculos will be made available during the next update.

Still, even when we actually get to Lv 9, there will be 2 Memories missing. One of them is the reward for the new Archon Quest in Inazuma, “Stillness, The Sublimation of Shadow”, so we can expect that the last one will also be given to us during the next Archon Quests, possibly in the final acts.

genshin impact electro traveler
Credit: miHoYo

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The Constellations can give the Genshin Impact Electro Traveler even more support abilities, like increasing the damage of his Elemental Burst, Bellowing Thunder by creating additional lighting shots, or giving his Lightning Blade one extra Amulet, giving him even more Energy Recharge.

Genshin Impact is finally on the 2.0 version “The Immortal God and the Eternal Euthymia”, and can be played for free in mobile devices, Playstation 4, Playstation 5 and Pcs on both miHoYo’s official launcher and Epic Games Store. A Nintendo Switch version is stated to be in development.