There’s a new Genshin best boy ranking tool doing the rounds, and it makes ranking the top male characters according to your preference very easy.
…or does it? released a ranking tool for listing your preferred male characters according to which ones you prefer over others by making you pick between two of them until the algorithm can compute your preferences.
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There is a similar tool for ranking your preferred female characters as well on the website.
A few of us took the quiz and we decided to combine the data to form an average list of our best boys from Genshin Impact. Keep in mind this list does not account for which characters have better skills than others in-game, but rather its purely opinion-based.
7. Chongyun

Bringing in our list at number 7 is the ever positive and honorable great sword-wielding exorcist with a sweet tooth. Yet to even see a spirit with his own eyes, Chongyun doesn’t let his greenness get in the way of his duties. He’s also the only great sword user who sort of struggles with his weapon of choice.
6. Albedo

This mysterious alchemical genius with great hair is very popular and well-liked by the citizens of Monstadt. He can conjure living organisms with his alchemy, and he’s even good with kids, seeing as even Klee listens to him. He ranked in at number 6 on our list.
5. Childe (Tartaglia)

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The eleventh of the harbingers of Fatui ranked number 5 on our list of best boys, even though his alignments led to him being a sort of mixed bag as far as his reputation is concerned. This self-proclaimed bad guy can’t seem to shake off his admirers.
4. Scaramouche

Little is known about the sixth of the harbingers of Fatui, as he is only seem a handful of times in the game. According to rumors, Scaramouche is highly disliked, not only by the people but also by his fellow harbingers.
Its a wonder how he even made it to this high on the list, but in the end it can be attributed to different strokes for different folks.
3. Diluc

Once a confident, passionate, and sprightly young knight in the Order of Favonius, Diluc grew aloof and bitter after the untimely demise of his father. The tee-totaling bartender-by-day-vigilante-by-night was dubbed fondly as an “anti-hero with an attitude problem” by Kaeya (who also calls himself the same).
2. Venti

Playfully dubbed “tone-deaf bard” by Paimon, Venti is the Anemo Archon, effectively making him a God. Despite being a God, he has severe issues with authority and discipline. He also likes to parrot Paimon to annoy her in retaliation.
It is no surprise his nature has led to him being one of the most popular characters in the game.
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1. Bennett

Infamous for having the worst luck in the entire land, this sweet young boy managed to be lucky enough to land the top spot in our list. Righteous and good-natured, Bennett has seemingly endless positivity and optimism despite his lot in life.
Raised by the entire Adventurer’s Guild in Monstadt ever since he was found as a baby orphan, he is the only member of Benny’s Adventure Team.
That’s all for our Genshin best boy ranking tool list! Go ahead and make your own today!