The next set of Fortnite challenges are out. We are now in the 9th week of Season 5, so this should be the last little push to complete the Battle Pass.
Week 9 Challenges
Here are the challenges that are available this week.
Epic Quests
- Stage 1: Shakedown an IO Guard
- Stage 2: Find a hidden bunker
- Stage 3: Find the black box of the crashed plane
- Stage 1: Deal damage while in water – 200 damage
- Stage 2: Emote at stone statues
- Stage 3: Ride the Steamy Stacks
- Stage 4: Deal damage to a loot shark – 500 damage
Each Epic Quest is worth 22,000 XP, giving a total of 154,000 XP.
Legendary Quest
- Shakedown Opponents (5/10/15/20/25)
The Legendary Quests are worth 55,000 XP for the first complete, then 22,000 for each one after, giving a total of 143,000 XP.
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Find The Black Box Of The Crashed Plane
Since the start of Chapter 2 there has been a crashed plane on a small island on the north west side of the map.
It can be found just west of Coral Castle and is surrounded by trees.

The black box is lying on the floor beside the plane.
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