Final Fantasy XIV: How to Get Dragonsong Ultimate Weapons of the Heavens

Final Fantasy XIV Still from Dragonsong's Reprise Cutscene

Last Updated on: 7th May 2022, 01:44 am

Added to Final Fantasy XIV via patch 6.11, the new Ultimate Raid, Dragonsong’s Reprise, is undeniably the game’s biggest raid so far. 

In this Ultimate Raid, you will have to face notable opponents like Nidhogg, Hraesvelgr, King Thordan, and the Knights of the Round, which makes this an extremely challenging one.

However, it will all be worth it. Your skills and perseverance will surely be rewarded because clearing the Dragonsong’s Reprise will eventually earn you Ultimate Weapons of the Heavens.

And not only are they remarkable weapons in terms of stats, they’re also some of the best-designed weapons in the game. 

How to Unlock Dragonsong’s Reprise 

You can only unlock Dragonsong’s Reprise Ultimate Raid if: 

  • You have cleared Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle (Savage) from the Pandaemonium raid series. 

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How to Get Dragonsong Ultimate Weapons of the Heavens 

Below are the steps to obtain one of these weapons: 

  1. Participate in the raid. 
  1. Clear the raid. Here, each participant will be rewarded with 1 Dragonsong Token
  1. Go to Nesvaaz in Radz-at-Han and exchange the token with a weapon of your choice. 

What are the Dragonsong Ultimate Weapons of the Heavens 

Ultimate Grimoire of the Heavens, Credit: Square Enix

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Below is a list of all the Dragonsong Ultimate Weapons of the Heavens

Weapon Type Cost (Dragonsong Token) 
Ultimate Sword and Shield of the Heavens Sword and Shield 
Ultimate Axe of the Heavens Greataxe 
Ultimate Claymore of the Heavens Greatsword 
Ultimate Gunblade of the Heavens Gunblade 
Ultimate Halberd of the Heavens Polearm 
Ultimate Sickle of the Heavens Scythe 
Ultimate Knuckles of the Heavens Fist Weapon 
Ultimate Katana of the Heavens Katana 
Ultimate Daggers of the Heavens Daggers 
Ultimate Bow of the Heavens Bow 
Ultimate Heavensfire Firearms 
Ultimate War Quoits of the Heavens Throwing Weapons 
Ultimate Staff of the Heavens Staff 
Ultimate Grimoire of the Heavens Book 
Ultimate Rapier of the Heavens Rapier 
Ultimate Cane of the Heavens Cane 
Ultimate Codex of the Heavens Book 
Ultimate Heavensmeter Star Globe 
Ultimate Milpreves of the Heavens Noulith 

All of the weapons are at Level 90.