MHA Chapter 330 spoilers: full story and panels!

mha new order quirk

Last Updated on: 14th October 2021, 07:17 am

Another week, another set of My Hero leaks ahead of the official release. The leaks this week come once again from Rukasu, so let’s get right into all the new info. First off, the title: “Ore to Boku.” While it directly translates to I and “I”, the naming is significant due to Japanese pronouns and later events in the chapter. Here’s everything to know about MHA 330!

READ MORE: MHA Chapter 329 spoilers: full chapter leaks

As always, spoiler alert for whatever poor soul doesn’t want it~

MHA 330 opens with a conversation between the pilots and Star and Stripe, characters relevant in the last chapter. They inform her of Shigaraki’s shockwaves and ask to attack or retreat, to which Star and Stripe responds, “Smash, obviously!”

mha 330 star and stripe
Credit: Kohei Horikoshi

Meanwhile, Shigaraki talks to himself, feeling like he is undeniably Shigaraki, yet also All for One at the same time. With little time to think, he attacks with a mixture of quirks to take down the jets. He and All for One both know the battle is about who can reach the other first. Without hesitating even a moment, Star and Stripe states outright that there will be no atmosphere 100 meters from her, where Shigaraki resides.

Immediately, he can no longer breathe and his eyes bleed. In his stunned state, the entire fleet opens fire on Shigaraki, believing to have won before a skillful combination of reflecting and diffuse quirks to, well, reflect and diffuse. One such reflected laser rushes to S&S but fails to hit the target as she states that the will hold the laser. She uhh, does.

mha new order
Credit: Kohei Horikoshi

This is Star and Stripe’s quirk, New Order. When touching something and calling its name, she can impose seemingly any rule on it. In a monologue to herself, it is revealed only two rules can be made at any given time, one of which is always super strength applied to herself. The atmosphere must have returned upon catching the laser. Using this second command of hers, the two goliaths charge to one another in midair as S&S lands a solid punch to the face.

It turns out that she was saved by All Might when he was studying abroad in America a number of years ago now. When she and her family were off to a pier, they were approached by a robber and subsequently saved by All Might. Similarly to Deku, she took his visage and heroism to heart and based her appearance on his, nay, one which shows an even greater ability to keep the peace.

Despite Shigaraki’s anger and disdain at the continued mention of All Might, S&S wastes no time in placing an order on the villain himself, saying he cannot move even a centimeter without his heart-stopping. Unfortunately, this goes awry as Shigaraki is able to shout, shaking his head in the process with no effect.

mha 330 shigaraki and afo
Credit: Kohei Horikoshi

Inside the vestige of All for One, the two can be seen fighting for control. AfO realizes that this incomplete body mixed with Shigaraki’s pure disdain is fusing the two into a single entity, and then speaks in the real world through Shigaraki’s body. He proclaims his hatred must only continue to grow before Shigaraki, upon remembering the origin of his hate, his home, lets loose a massive explosion in the air with black lightning all around.

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And with that, the MHA 330 comes to a close. Gotta admit Star and Stripe is far more than I think anyone could have predicted even considering All for One’s fears. It appears she has no qualms with using her quirk in exceptionally deadly ways, though I fear a beatdown from Shigaraki for One is imminent if the series is to keep any sense of stakes…