League of Legends: Dopa to complete his military service

League of Legends Dopa

Last Updated on: 18th August 2022, 12:32 am

After delaying the inevitable for roughly two years, a recent Youtube video of Official Dopa mentioned that Jeong “Apdo” Sang-gil is planning to finish his mandatory military service. The League of Legends streamer is notably known for Elo boosting rather than being part of the pro-scene.

Dopa is best known to be one of the top earning hi-Elo players on the Korean server. He is so well known in Elo boosting that his main account was banned for 1000 years by Riot Games. In addition, he was banned from participating in OGN (OnGameNet). He is often compared to Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok because of his talent of being a mid-laner. However, given his experience in Elo boosting, he has been known to be very versatile and can play top, jungle, mid, and AD carry, though he is primarily a mid laner.

After rejecting multiple offers to join pro teams because he earned more money by Elo-boosting, he eventually tried the pro challenge by entering the OGN Winter 2013-2014 Qualifier. However, his team (later named Team Dark) was disqualified because of unsportsmanlike behavior during the tournament. However, despite his behavior in-game, players still regard him as a great all-around player.


For the past two years, he has been posting information about his need to finish his mandatory military service. Back in January 2021, his Youtube page also posted a video titled “I’ve been exempt from military service” and confirmed, in a more serious tone, that he has been able to postpone his military service. During that time, he could continue playing League of Legends for season 11.

In South Korea, compulsory military service takes about 20 (Gregorian calendar) months. Once you are in the military service, participants will still have their “downtime” and the liberty to be regular civilian. However, the question is if he would still be able to cover streaming instead of taking it easy and taking a break.

All healthy South Korean men between the ages of 18 and 28 are required to serve in the military. There have been notable names before that have been able to postpone their mandatory military service. With the amendment of the Military Service Act back in December 2020, more and more prominent Koreans have been able to postpone their military service. The amendment stated, “a pop culture artist recommended by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism to have greatly enhanced the image of Korea both within the nation and throughout the world.” As to whether or not Dopa meets the criteria for the amendment is still in question.


Dopa did not directly address the question during his stream. However, given that he has done this before (postponing his mandatory military service), there is a good chance that he plans to do the same this year. However, it is important to note that the Dopa is now 28 years old. He turned 28 after his birthday on January 8. Given that the age limit to postpone this is until the male candidate is 28, it is very unlikely that he will be able to turn it down again.

Once he enters the military, there is still a possibility of him streaming. However, the locations where conscripts are often sent to are places with limited internet connections. That said, it is unlikely that the Elo boosting and his live streaming will continue.

His official website is yet to make an announcement regarding the matter.

League of Legends is available now on PC.