Halo Infinite: Nexus Mods already has a full page of mods

Halo Infinite Mods Title

Last Updated on: 18th December 2021, 04:36 pm

Halo Infinite launched its campaign less than two weeks ago and already the game has twenty plus mods available on PC modding site Nexus mods.

Best mods for Halo Infinite

Unfortunately out of those mods on offer right now, you won’t have a lot of choice available – while a page and a half of mods this soon after a game launch usually indicates that a game will have at least a few hundred down the line, most of them have very little variety, so comparison really does come down to preference and not quality at this stage.

The majority of them for the moment are focused on removing or messing with the intro video – a common thing for mods to do is remove them, to make opening and closing the game less tedious. If a game crashes more than occasionally, this kind of mod tends to be much more popular.

Of the options available right now, you can simply remove the intro video, replace it with ones from other Halo games, such as the intro from Halo 2, or the classic Halo 3 loading screen, or straight up rip it out and replace it with Star Wars prequel memes.

Now I’m not saying the Prequel memes are the best option, but they did get the 7th mod page for the Halo Infinite Nexus, and we all know how important the number 7 is to Halo.


It’s worth being aware that tampering with game files to do with Multiplayer may well cause you issues when 343i start to crack down on cheaters, though judging by the frequency of complaints about cheaters online thus far nothing much is being done at the moment.

With that in mind, modding is done at own risk, though simple changes like removing the introductory file or replacing it likely won’t get you into any trouble outside of a very rogue automated system.

So you might well be safe to DEWIT and grab that Prequel memes intro mod, at the least.

Anything else to know?

You might want to keep an eye on the most popular page if you’re interested in more Halo Infinite Mods, as more will likely crop up as time goes on – such is the nature of modding, after all, once a few people figure it out the community tends to expand and draw in more people who make their own projects.

In any case, that’s about everything for this topic at the moment. We’ve got more Halo content available for you if you’re interested, and if you’d like to try reading more of what I’ve written, my content is available on my author page.