Pokemon Go: What is an interesting location?

Pokemon Go Interesting Location

Last Updated on: 24th June 2021, 07:00 pm

Pokemon Go buddies do occasionally discover an interesting location when they’re a high enough friendship level, but what exactly are interesting locations in Pokemon Go?

What exactly do they do? Are they worth bothering to go out of your way to reach? As always, I’ll try to cover all the answers

What are Interesting Locations in Pokemon Go?

An Interesting Location in Pokemon Go is a Pokestop that your Pokemon buddy feels drawn to. These locations gain bonus rewards if you then go and interact with them, though your buddy will need to be at the Ultra Buddy level / Tier 3 Friendship before they will take interest in stops like this for you.

Spinning the Photo-disc of an Interesting Location will earn you some bonus items, as well as a Pokemon Buddy Affection Heart in the “Bonus” Category of your daily points earned.

Pokemon Go Hearts Screen
The Pokemon Go Hearts Screen, including a filled-in Bonus heart.
Credit: Niantic Helpshift

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While small, this is another relations bonus that can add up – and as Buddies take quite some time improving their friendship level, seeking out individual extra hearts like this can be a substantial bonus to how fast you can reach the maximum Friendship level.

Is there anything else?

Not really, Interesting Locations in Pokemon Go are quite simple. Although it does seem that Interesting Locations tend to be ones you haven’t visited before – so if your buddy isn’t highlighting one, you may wish to try a different area.

And check that they’re a high enough friendship level to point out locations in the first place, anyway.

The Pokemon Snorlax in Pokemon Origins
Of course, a lazier Pokemon like Snorlax may simply not feel like wandering off and exploring new locations for you, even if it’s a high enough friendship level. Credit: Bulbapedia

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With that said, that’s about everything you need to know about the interesting locations system in Pokemon Go.

As always, you can find more Pokemon Go pieces on The Click right here, and more by me personally here.