Pokemon Go: Shiny Espurr arriving at the start of February

Shiny Espurr Pokemon Go banner image

Last Updated on: 30th January 2022, 08:08 pm

Shiny Espurr will be appearing in Pokemon Go for the first time with the start of the research breakthrough monthly reset.

When is the release of Shiny Espurr for Pokemon Go?

Shiny Espurr will be coming to Pokemon Go soon, very soon in fact. As soon as the monthly research breakthrough reset occurs, Shiny Espurr will be enabled for the first time in Pokemon Go.

This is also coming alongside the shiny versions for both female and male Meowstic, so if you’re lucky enough to find three shiny Espurr you can have the whole family of them at once right away.

It is important to note, however, that it was not specified if Espurr will be permanently released as a Shiny variant with this event or not, merely that it would be available for this event – sometimes shinies are not made fully available and thus “released” into the wild at first, which may be the case here.

For the moment though, from the February 1st through March 1st, you have a chance at catching Shiny Espurr with every Espurr you find, so if you’re looking for it, get ready to search.

Pokemon Go december research breakthrough
Credit: Leekduck

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Anything else to mention?

The upcoming Hoppip Community day also seems to be bringing shiny versions of its family to Pokemon Go very soon, so this is a good month for any Shiny hunters in the community already, and it’s barely even started yet.

That’s all there is to say on this one for now – Make sure to complete your research breakthroughs as quickly as you can this month if you want the best odds of capturing the new Shiny Espurr, as we may not get many wild encounters of them this month, as far as we know for the moment anyway.

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