Pokemon Go: How to get Kangaskhan with Ultra Unlock

Kangaskhan chose violence

Last Updated on: 30th July 2021, 01:14 pm

Kangaskhan has long since been region locked in Pokemon Go to Australia, but now trainers in the rest of the world finally have an answer for how to get Kangaskhan for themselves without trading.

Ultra Unlock part two is giving us all a rare chance to get both Kangaskhan and Heracross without trading in Pokemon Go, providing trainers around the world answers to how to finally get these elusive regional Pokemon.

How to get Kangaskhan in Pokemon Go

Kangaskhan is a region-restricted Pokemon, exclusive to Australia, as is listed on its fandom wikia page here.

However, this will temporarily be changing with Ultra Unlock part 2. Other Trainers around the world will soon get a few shots at getting Kangaskhan in Pokemon Go for themselves, finally answering the question of how you’re meant to get Kangaskhan without relying on trading with other Trainers who you might not have the luck of so much as meeting.

In particular, if you want a Kangaskhan for yourself as a Trainer from somewhere else in the world, you’ll have to defeat the strong Parent Pokemon in a raid battle during the event and manage to capture it. Luckily, we’ve already got a guide for how to defeat this powerful Normal-Type, so feel free to make use of that to get the best chance of leaving the event with a new Kangaskhan.

Kangaskhan in the Pokemon anime 2
Kangaskhan says: Attend Ultra Unlock 2, or else.
Credit: Pokemon.fandom.com/wiki

For context, this is quite a rare chance, given that the same wiki page mentioned above lists that Kangaskhan is typically only available worldwide once a year in events at best, and wasn’t present in 2020 at all.

In other words, make sure not to miss the Ultra Unlock part 2 event Trainers, you really don’t want to miss this chance.

READ MORE: Pokemon Go: How to defeat Kangaskhan, weakness and counters

Anything else to be aware of?

That’s about it for this really, the raids for Kangaskhan are bundled in as part of Ultra Unlock part 2, so if you’d like to know more about the overall event you’d have to read about that here.

In the meantime, If you’d like more stories, articles and guides for Pokemon Go, you can find them right here on The Click, and if you’d instead like to see more by me specifically, a list of my articles is available here.