Pokemon Go: How to defeat Espurr, weakness and counters

Espurr in the Pokemon Anime 2

Espurr will be visiting raids as part of Ultra Unlock, so here are some tips on how to counter the Restraint Pokemon by using its weakness.

This short guide is intended to provide both a shorter and more detailed answer on what the best choices are to counter Espurr, and what weakness options you have to target to defeat the Restraint Pokemon.

What is the biggest Weakess of Espurr in Pokemon Go?

Dark-Types make for the best counter while fighting Espurr, they have immunity to over half of Espurrs possible attacks, and aren’t weak to any Espurr is capable of doing in battle in Pokemon Go, making them a powerful and reliable choice here.

Both Bug and Ghost-Types do fare quite well against Espurr as well and will work perfectly acceptably if you don’t have access to any Dark-Type Pokemon, they aren’t as good, as they lack the crucial immunity to Psychic-Type attacks that Dark-Types have.

How did we find the most exploitable weakness?

As is typical in any Pokemon title, including Go, precisely how strong a Pokemon is and what moves it uses may vary depending on the individual, but there are a few things that remain consistent across all of any given species of Pokemon.

The easiest of these to exploit is often the Pokemon’s Type.

Espurr is a pure Psychic-Type Pokemon, so if you’re familiar with Psychic-Type strengths and weaknesses, this should be a pretty easy one for you. If you’re not however, don’t worry because we have all the information of what Espurr is weak to, and what Type-weakness to focus on to counter it in Pokemon Go below for you.

Espurr in the Pokemon anime
Credit: The Pokemon Company, Bulbapedia

Espurr Type Interactions in Pokemon Go

  • Fighting
  • Psychic

Both of these Types will deal 62.5% damage compared to normal due to Espurr being a Psychic-Type Pokemon.

  • Bug
  • Dark
  • Ghost

Similarly, all three of these Types will deal 160% damage compared to normal due to Espurr being a Psychic-Type. So we have our list of Espurr’s possible weaknesses to target. But they all deal the same damage. So which one of these weakness options makes for the best Espurr counter in Pokemon Go?

We’ll have to check what Espurr can do in battle to answer that one.

Espurr in Pokemon Generations
Outside of staring at you angrily, anyway.
Credit: The Pokemon Company, Bulbapedia

What moves does Espurr use in battle?

Fast Attacks
  • Confusion (Psychic)
  • Scratch (Normal)
Charged Attacks
  • Energy Ball (Grass)
  • Psychic (Psychic)
  • Psyshock (Psychic)

Ghost-Types fare decently here, with dealing enhanced damage against Psychic-Types while also being immune to Scratch. It’s not a huge deal, but it does help. Unfortunately, Ghost-Types don’t really have a lot of other interactions here, so they’re unlikely to be our best bet.

Bug-Types fare similarly, with resistance to Energy-ball and little other interaction with Espurrs possible attacks. Dark-Type however manages to stand above them both, with immunity to Psychic-Type attacks immediately negating over half of Espurrs attacks on top of dealing Super-Effective damage, it’s clear that they become the best Counter choice in Pokemon Go.

Espurr counters and weakness Summary

Dark-Types are as good as it gets versus Espurr, they simply have the most advantages. While Bug-Types and Ghost-Types do still have good matchups versus Espurr in Pokemon Go, they’re simply less effective to the extent there’s no reason to pick them instead of Dark-Types if you do have all of them available to you.

Don’t misunderstand though, both Bug-Types and Ghost-Types will still do quite well battling Espurr if you don’t have access to any Dark-Type Pokemon.

That’s about everything there is to know for what weakness to target to best counter Espurr in Pokemon Go, good luck out there Trainers.

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