Dragalia Lost is a somewhat small Nintendo mobile game celebrating its 2.5 year anniversary in this next week. Despite its size, fans are super dedicated to this little game, me included. To celebrate the occasion, the devs decided to make a video showing off all the new stuff coming to the game: the Dragalia Digest.
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Gala Dragalia
Every month now, Dragalia Lost has a summoning banner with increased 5* appearance rates and a unit that tends to be pretty bonkers. For this occasion, the unit in question is Gala Notte, a playable version of the mascot character of the game and an ally of the main protagonists.

She has some unique gameplay elements in her shapeshifting, and fills a wind dagger niche which is mostly empty.
Myriam will also be on Gala Dragalia, though I’ll get to that more later.
A Platinum Showcase will be arriving, where one can spend real money to guarantee the appearance of a Gala unit or dragon. If you think its worth the money, go for it.
Anniversary Raid Event
Dragalia tends to have its milestone events be relevant to the overarching plot and lore, and this is no exception.
The Dragalia Digest showed off a new raid event which takes place 300 years before the events of the main story, staring an ancestor of the main protagonist.
This event also introduces Myriam, the basis for the human form of a long standing character, Mym.
Myself and others are excited to see what we learn from this event!
This has been a features talked about for a year now, and its finally here and better than expected!
Players can now look up info on their questing data, adventurers, dragons, and other things, a highly requested feature from fans. Additionally, the more you invest in your roster, the encyclopedia will give small stat bonuses to your units.
My Marth went up 100 might just from downloading the update, humble brag.
Free Stuff
Dragalia Lost is known for being one of the most generous gacha games, perhaps to a fault at times, and this is no different.
As with numerous events, tons of in game stuff will be giving double or triple drops, very useful for the grind of upgrading. A login bonus for the benchmark will also be coming, giving players free in game currency, upgrade items, accessories, and even a dragon!
Lastly, the Dragalia Lost Twitter account is hosting a retweet campaign to give away all Gala adventurers and dragons to three lucky players, and all players will receive rewards based on the number of retweets.
The Dragalia Digest also gave us a ton of info that I wasn’t quite sure where to put, so I’ll just make a bucket list here.
We got a sneak peak into the next three chapters of the main campaign which looked pretty cool based on where the story has been heading so far.
The new series of extra difficult bosses were teased as well, showing two of their designs and giving a timetable for when hard fights would be introduced to the game. Another series of bosses with set element and weapon restrictions based on some of the dragons were shown too.

A number of new units were teased that will be appearing in the coming months, one notable mention being Summer Alex, so save your Wyrmite if you’re a fan of her. My luck bodes poorly for it, though… A character from Rage of Bahamut, another Cygames property, will also be appearing, Vania.
Lastly, a number of quality of life adjustments were shown off, such as an increase in skip ticket count, player level, unlocking all mana nodes at once, levelling facilities from a central location, and seeing what teams are most popular for endgame quests.
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That was about everything worth mentioning, I think, and the Dragalia Digest can be seen on YouTube for anyone who wants the full scoop.