Tower of Fantasy: AFK farming using Zero or the Negative Cube

Tower of Fantasy Zero AFK Farming Negative Cube

Last Updated on: 26th August 2022, 06:03 pm

The release of the hit ARPG, Tower of Fantasy, set a great number of Wanderers to the world of Aida. However, not everyone plans to play fair.

Farming is a known concept in almost all MMORPGs ever developed in the digital world. Technopedia defines it as “a gaming tactic where a player, or someone hired by a player, performs repetitive actions to gain experience, points, or some form of in-game currency.

That’s traditionally what farming is, at least. Tower of Fantasy takes farming to a different place entirely though, as the player can stay AFK while gaining experience and loot from monsters.

Players engage in AFK farming for several reasons. Most of the time though, it involves time spent outside the game but still wanting to make sure that some progress is being made. There are a number ways of how players can farm in Tower of Fantasy. One of the most common farming techniques in the game is using Zero, an SSR Simulacra in the game.

How to use Zero and Negative Cube for AFK Farming in Tower of Fantasy

Players can either activate the Simulacra of Zero or just use the weapon associated with the character with their own personal avatar. Either way, the most important part of the game tactic is the use of his weapon, the Negative Cube.

After causing damage to enemies, the Negative Cube spawns a set of floating orbs hovering around the in-game character, which can then damage enemies on contact.

If the player stands near enemies, even without moving or attacking, as long as the enemies stand close enough to the player, they get damaged by the floating orbs. Since enemies in Tower of Fantasy spawn at regular intervals, this means that as long as the player is logged in, as soon as the enemies die, the drops and experience gained from killing them will go to the player.

Tower of Fantasy Zero AFK Farming

However, since the game uses a scaling system on its monsters, this becomes a challenge to some of the lower-level players. The scaling system means that regardless of where you are on the map, your enemies will be close to your character level. For example, if your character is currently at level 40, the enemies will either be at level 41 or 42.

There will also be more challenging enemies that are a higher level than your character. Of course, this means that the higher the level of the enemy, the more experience and better chances of getting better drops.

AFK Farming as a team in Tower of Fantasy

Since some players prefer to farm more challenging monsters, they will need more people to assist them. A trick often done by players is to ask other players in the World chat to take part in the AFK farming. Once they have enough floating orbs for their character, the players set a specific spot on the map where they will decide to do the deed.

This is often done to places on the map with “mini-boss” and those monsters with a weakness to flame. Since the Negative Cube is a fire-based weapon, more damage can be dealt to the enemy if they are using this against them. Once a good number of players are in the same channel and the same spot on the map, they start farming the monsters that spawn in that spot.

Most players do this simply because actively farming isn’t as viable with very low drop rates, even to those who spend hours in-game. There are vehicle parts and other exclusive rare loot that are often only obtained if you team up with other players.

To make matters worse, the game can detect if one or more player is trying to cause damage to the enemy – some loot can only be obtained if the enemy is downed by multiple players at a time, effectively making this a drop requirement on top of everything else.


What is Tower of Fantasy doing against AFK farmers

To this day, there has not been any specific response from Hotta Studio about the matter. Naturally, the playerbase is split between those willing to engage in the practice to work around low drop rates, while other players argue that this is just a way to abuse a loophole in the game to their advantage.

As with other online games; this kind of farming practice does not sit well with other players, because it reduces obtaining at least some drops to a matter of idling long enough. Some upset players trying to enjoy the game and play normally are even reporting players after confirming that they engage in this kind of activity.

You can try Tower of Fantasy for yourself from the official website.