Another weekly reset in Destiny 2 brings a quite shocking surprise – a brand new Exotic quest for the new “Dead Man’s Tale” Exotic Scout Rifle. The mission involved in the quest for the weapon is one of the best we’ve seen in the game, but how exactly do you get your hands on Dead Man’s Tale in Destiny 2?
* This quest is only available to players who purchase Season of the Chosen *
Step 1: Enter Nightfall “The Arms Dealer”
Head towards the objective for the opening of the strike, but instead of continuing forward past the turrets, you’ll head right towards them and go through the door. Follow the path all the way to the end and grab the Intercepted Distress Signal and head back to Zavala.
Step 2: Visit Zavala in the Tower
After grabbing the Intercepted Distress Signal, Zavala will send you on a mission called “The Presage.” This will be the third step in your quest to get Dead Man’s Tale in Destiny 2.
Step 3: Complete The Presage
- After visiting Zavala, you’ll need to complete an Exotic mission called “The Presage.” This mission is definitely one of the best missions in all of Destiny history and is by far the closest to horror that we’ve ever seen. So how exactly do you complete The Presage mission?

Once you load into the mission, you’re gonna need to look behind you and jump onto this platform; then just follow the path until you get to the next area.

Jump to this platform with the small door and continue to follow the path until you reach a door that you need to shoot.

Shoot the door open and continue down the path until you reach an open room.

Here you’ll find another door you need to shoot. Shoot the door and then continue through the path. You’ll reach a dead end where you need to jump up and behind to reach the next platform where you’ll find another door on the floor that needs to be shot.

Shoot the door, drop down into the big open room, and then activate the lever on the right side of the room.

Activating this lever will open up the big door at the start of the mission and will allow you to avoid going through this entire process every time you die. (You’ll die a lot.)
READ MORE: Destiny 2: Season of the Chosen Brings New Weapons, Activity, Armor
Once you activate the lever, head towards the big door on your left.

Approach the door and it’ll open revealing a big blue orb thing and a cool space-gate. DO NOT walk into the space-gate. It will kill you.

In order to progress through the mission, stand close to the orb and shoot it. You’ll gain a buff called “Egregore Link” that lasts for 15 seconds. Proceed through the space-gate within those 15 seconds.

Jump up to this platform and continue through the path. You’ll reach a point where you need to jump upwards through some pipes. Continue on and drop down a hole that will lead you to a wall of electricity.

Turn around, kill the Screebs that spawn in, and push forward to activate a lever.

Activating this lever will unlock access to the second buff station you need to proceed through the mission.

Take the buff, then proceed across the chasm and through the next space-gate.

After doing so, drop into the next room and find a power cell on the other side of the wall of electricity. Shoot the power cell to unlock the door next to it. Go through the door.

Activate lever 3 to open another door.

Proceed through the door, jump across the chasm, and activate lever #4. This will unlock the door below, revealing a power cell.

Shoot the power cell to unlock the door at the bottom of the chasm.

Jump down into the door (don’t worry, the platform will meet you, so you won’t fall) and proceed through.

If this gives you flashbacks to the trash compacter from A New Hope, then you’re definitely not alone. Proceed all the way to the end of the room and activate the lever.

Once you activate the lever, a whole bunch of Screebs will spawn and the floor will open up revealing shoot-able doors. The goal of this encounter is to find power cells under these panels, destroy them, and find the exit before the walls close in.
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My suggestion is to start with the panels closest to the wall and make your way up and down the room until you shoot all 3 power cells. The walls will stop moving and you can just find the exit and hop down.

Drop down, follow the path, and you’ll end up in a room with a bunch of Scorn. This is where you’ll meet the final boss. Clear the enemies in the room and then proceed forward.

After you clear this room of enemies, proceed through the door at the end of the room. Just keep going straight, through the red room, and you’ll end up in a room similar to that of the Arms Dealer strike.

After you manage to defeat the room full of Scorn and the 2 massively tank-y Abominations, proceed to the outside of the room where you’ll find some platforms.

Follow the path that these platforms provide until you reach a big open room.

Jump up the platforms to reach this door and proceed through the path until you reach a green room.

To the left of the entrance will be another lever you will need to activate.

Activating this lever will unlock the door next to it and will grant you access to the next buff you need. Collect the buff and head towards the green Cabal door and through the next space-gate.

After clearing out the room of Scorn, pop over to the back and activate lever #6. This will open a door that gives you access to a power cell you need to shoot in order to take down the wall of electricity.

Continue through the next space-gate into the next room and take out all of the Scorn.

Activating this lever will open a door with a Cabal turret inside – kill the turret and destroy the power cell inside to unlock the next door. This will grant you access to the buff.

Jump through this hole in the floor to progress through the next part. Here, you’ll be thrown into a labyrinth-like maze where you’ll need to find the buff-orb. Once you find the orb, follow this path to the space-gate:

After you go through the space-gate, activate the next lever, grab the buff on the right side of the room, and then head out the newly opened space-gate on the left side of the room.

As you go through the rooms, you’ll find another lever to activate.

Activating this lever will unlock a door to a power cell that you will need to destroy.

Grab the buff from the newly unlocked door and head towards the next space-gate by making an almost 90-degree turn to the left and heading straight.

After you pass through the space-gate, you’ll need to continue forward and follow the path of the rotating platforms. Take out the Scorn enemies and find the next lever.

After you activate this lever, another power cell will be revealed. Go back, find the cell, and shoot it.

Destroying this power cell will open up a door above that holds the next blue orb you need for the buff.
You’ll need to go all the way back to the beginning and grab the blue-orb buff again. Turn around and head back through the platform section and grab the buff again, or else your buff will run out.

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Now after you make your way through the rest of the path you’ll end up in the boss room. Here you’ll kill enemies and do damage to the boss, but in Destiny fashion, he has an immune phase.

Once you deal some damage to the boss, he’ll go immune and disappear. He teleports to the Boiler Room below you, but in order to follow him, you’ll need to activate 3 separate terminals.

Now, it doesn’t matter what order you activate these terminals, but you must activate all 3 in order to disable the burning Boiler Room downstairs. Then you may “safely” go downstairs and deal damage to the boss.
After doing enough damage, he will go immune again, and you’ll be forced to retreat to the room above and repeat this process.
Once you’ve done this process again, he will reach his Final Stand phase in which you must do this a final time where you kill the boss.

After killing the boss, head back upstairs to the final door and follow the path to the end.
Step 4: Visit Zavala to Collect the Dead Man’s Tale
After you’ve completed The Presage mission, you’ll then head back to the Tower and visit Zavala to pick up the new Exotic Scout Rifle “Dead Man’s Tale”
Step 5: Complete The Presage Exotic Mission
While this isn’t absolutely necessary, the Dead Man’s Tale Exotic Scout Rifle is like Hawkmoon in the fact that you are now able to complete the mission again to obtain a randomly rolled version of the Dead Man’s Tale.
I would definitely suggest doing the mission again in order to obtain some new perks on the new Destiny 2 Exotic Scout Rifle. I’ve seen Outlaw on it as well, for even faster reload.
There’s your full guide on how to get the new Dead Man’s Tale Exotic Scout Rifle in Destiny 2. This mission was definitely a doozy, but boy was it fun and the atmosphere was incredible. Let us know what random rolls you get on your Dead Man’s Tale!
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