Here we are again, it’s time for the Pokemon Go spotlight hour! And this week during this incredibly busy month of March, they are bringing us a Drowzee Spotlight Hour.

Drowzee, from the Kanto region, will feature from 6pm local time, Tuesday, March 9th, 2021, with the added bonus of double XP when evolving Pokemon.
Drowzee can also be evolved into Hypno with 50 candies, so if you didn’t already bag Hypno, this will be the perfect time to do it.

Shiny variants of Drowzee and Hypno are already available in Pokemon Go, so players may get lucky and catch one during this hour, with the original form Drowzee being yellow, and the shiny bright pink!
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Drowzee, a Psychic-type Pokemon is weak against Dark, Ghost, and Bug-type Pokémon. With quick moves of Pound and Confusion and main moves Psyshock, Psybeam , Psychic, Return and Frustration.
Hypno is a more powerful Pokemon than Drowzee, with quick moves Zen Headbutt and Confusion, but it also has the ability to learn Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Shadow Ball, and more.
I think it’s safe to say during this Season of Legends, we are likely to see many more Drowzee over the next few months.
Happy playing and good luck getting Shiny Hypno during the Pokemon Go spotlight hour.
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