Pokemon Go does enjoy throwing events at us fast, including the Season of Legends starting recently. So it should be no surprise that they’re already throwing another one at us, called the Searching for Legends event, to help kick things off.
When Is The Searching For Legends Event?
The Pokemon Go Searching for Legends event is a five-day long event, so there’s plenty of time to complete all the research challenges that are up for grabs.
The event will start Tuesday 9th March at 10:00 AM local time to Sunday 14th March, 8:00 AM local time.
Not the longest event we’ve had, given we did just have the Kanto tour and all. That said, it’s certainly a good length and provides us plenty of time to catch the Pokemon that’ll be spawning in that time frame.
So, who or what will this event feature, you may be wondering? Well, lets get started shall we?
What’s Going To Spawn?
During the event we can expect to see greatly increased spawns of Ground, rock and steel-type pokemon appearing both in the wild generally and when using Incense. Specific Pokemon to expect in advance as follows,
- Diglett
- Geodude
- Magnemite
- Nosepass – this article also features some good news for Nosepass fans, read on.
- Aron
- Baltoy
- Roggenrola
- Drilbur
READ MORE: Pokemon Go: Professor Willow comes to Trading Card Game this Summer
Players using incense can expect the Pokemon below to be added to the spawn list – with the unusual exception of Baltoy going missing, apparently.

Please be aware that as the event is not here yet as of the time of writing, more things may appear than listed here.
These are just the spawns that seem to be confirmed.
What About The Raids?
The raids will be changed for the event as well, providing you plenty of chances to capture some of those more pesky evolved forms and get going on collecting some of the rarer Pokemon, such as Skarmory or Metang.
Event raids will feature a whole new set of Pokemon for the majority, barring mega raids where Blastoise has been cycled in alongside some previous mega raid stars.
Mega raids will star the following:
- Mega Blastoise
- Mega Pidgeot
- Mega Ampharos

One Star raids will feature the following pokemon during the event:
- Alolan Diglett
- Nosepass
- Roggenrola
- Drilbur
- Ferroseed
- Klink
READ MORE: Pokemon Go: Monthly Raid Hours
Three-star raids will featurethe following pokemon during the event:
- Alolan Graveler
- Magneton
- Skarmory
- Metang
Five Star raids will vary based on what is available at the time, but will contain:
- Tornadus (Incarnate)
- or, later on: Thundurus (Incarnate)
Shiny Release
As teased earlier, fans of Nosepass have a nice gift coming during the Searching for Legends event – not only is Nosepass heavily featured in the pre-event coverage, Nosepass is also getting its shiny form released in Pokemon Go, alongside the shiny form for its evolved form, Probopass.

Make sure to check out the link below to remind yourself how to obtain Probopass in case you manage to catch that Nosepass during the event!
READ MORE: Pokemon Go: How to evolve Nosepass into Probopass
And good luck with trying too, there’ll be plenty of Nosepass around to pursue your very own shiny one!