Pokemon Go is adding Therian Tornadus quite soon, and due to this, we can even expect him to be present for upcoming raid hours.
If you want a chance to capture your very own Therian Tornadus in Pokemon Go as quickly as possible, attending these raid hours will be a great start.
When are the raid hours taking place?
Pokemon Go’s raid hours are fixed events that occur weekly, the raid target, or boss – in this case Therian Tornadus – is the only thing that changes.
Typically we’d expect a featured raid like Therian Tornadus to only be available for one week and thus only one set of raid hours, but Therian Thundurus was set to get two raid hours – a trend that may continue for the other Therians.
The first known raid hour featuring Therian Tornadus will begin on the 31st of March at 6:00 PM local time and run for an hour until 7:00 PM local time.
It is quite likely – based on Therian Thundurus and his raid hours – that Tornadus will also get another Raid hour one week later, on the 7th of April from 6:00 PM local time until 7:00 PM local time.
This above has since been confirmed, and Therian Tornadus is indeed getting another raid hour on the 7th of april at 6:00 PM.

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Be aware that while the first raid hour is confirmed, the second raid is only speculation, if highly probable speculation at the time of writing.
Consider checking a source such as Leekduck for further information on upcoming events.
Fighting Therian Tornadus
What moves can he use?
There may be more to Therian Tornadus, but based on his Incarnate forme we can expect the following moves.
Fast Attacks:
- Air Slash
- Bite
Charged Attacks:
- Dark Pulse
- Grass Knot
- Hurricane
- Hyper Beam
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What types will be effective?
Therian Tornadus is a pure flying-type Pokemon, and thus his weaknesses and strengths are exactly those you’d expect of other flying-type Pokemon in Pokemon Go.
Super-effective tpyes to prioritise using:
- Electric
- Ice
- Rock

Resisted types to avoid using:
- Bug
- Fighting
- Grass
- Ground
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Is his Shiny available during these raids?
Similar to Therian Thundurus, it seems that Therian Forme Tornadus will not be released alongside his shiny form, meaning it shouldn’t be available to players.
It’s possible it’s being reserved for a future event alongside the other Therian shiny variants.

Credit: Pokemon Go Wiki
At the very least, we know how the shiny variant looks, but we don’t know when we’ll be able to get it ourselves.
Does this event have anything else?
Raid hours are quite a simple deal, just lots of the featured raid appearing all over the globe during the specified time locally, giving people who partake in remote raids plenty of chances to capture the raid boss.
If you’re a bit short on people to invite you to remote raids, consider using a service such as the Pokemon Go Friends Subreddit.
Additionally, the same service can be used to find people to invite to raids you are hosting.
That’s about everything you need to know regarding the upcoming Therian Tornadus Raid hours.
Best of luck to you all Trainers, though this one looks a lot simpler than the nightmare that was Therian Thundurus and his typing.