Do you want to know how to catch Shiny Thundurus in Pokemon Go?
It’s time for another of Pokemon Go is having its weekly raid hours, and this week Thundurus’ Incarnate Forme is available! If you’ve been looking for Shiny Thundurus, now is your best chance.
As per usual with Pokemon go’s raid hours, the event will start at 6:00 PM local time, and finish one hour later at 7:00 PM local time. The event itself will take place on the 15th of March.
READ MORE: Pokemon Go: Monthly Raid Hours
We also keep coverage of all the upcoming raid hours for this month available at the page linked above right here on The Click!
What moves can Thundurus know?
Fast Attacks:
- Astonish
- Thunder Shock
Charged Attacks:
- Brick Break
- Crunch
- Thunder
- Thunder Punch
How does Shiny Tornadus look?

I’ve mentioned this before, but even if I don’t like Shiny Tornadus at least it’s visually distinct from its non-shiny counterpart – which is a plus, as some shinies I won’t name don’t even manage that.
READ MORE: Pokemon: Weird Pokemon Evolutions and Methods
There is the usual legendary shiny advantage that’ll be mentioned later on though, so there is at least one advantage to finding the alternative colour scheme outside of preference.
What Types are effective?
As I covered in the article about Thundurus returning to Pokemon Go, he’s a bit of a nightmare in terms of move-typing.
He is a dual electric flying type, which means the electric typing negates the electric weakness of his flying type. This leaves him with just two weaknesses, Ice types and Rock types.

As Thundurus might use the move brick break as well, rock isn’t even that safe an option. Ideally, if you have any super-strong ice pokemon such as a high level Articuno, Mamoswine or Glaceon, bring those along.
If you don’t have those, you can make use of the likes of Rampardos, Rhyperior and Tyranitar and still do great damage.
That said, you might want to make sure you use the sideways dodge to avoid those brick breaks, otherwise, your team might end up KO’d by it.

READ MORE: Pokemon Go: How to Find and Capture Ditto
How to capture Shiny Thundurus
As usual with legendary shinies, the main challenge is finding one – and this is precisely why raid hours are useful, there will be lots of these raids starting in rapid succession.
And why is that useful, you may be wondering? Well, the odds of a Pokemon in a legendary raid being shiny is around approximately 20 to 1.
This means you’ll probably need to do the same raid a few times to get the shiny unless you get quite lucky quite fast.
The good news, however, is if you do find the shiny in your raid and defeat it, its capture is certain – Shiny raid legendaries have 100% catch rate and therefore you should never fail to capture them upon encountering them.
Best of luck on your hunt to catch Shiny Thundurus in Pokemon Go, trainers!