Pokemon Go Raid Hours are events featuring much more frequent legendary Pokemon Raids than usual.
These events often cause a spike in players raiding for whatever is the focus of the raid hour, so it’s a great time to pick up any legendaries you’re missing if they’re currently featured
Raid Hour occurs on a weekly basis at a specified time and hour – what to expect is usually announced in advance, so we’ve compiled the complete list here for you.
Raid Hours are a regular Pokemon Go event that you can expect for every Wednesday from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM local time.
READ MORE: Pokemon Go: Monthly Spotlight Hours
The Pokemon featuring in the raid hours will depend on what is appearing in five-star raids that week, so I’ve compiled a list below to simplify things for you
Pokemon Go Raid Hours
March 2021 Pokemon Go Raid Hour information, dates & raid bosses:
- On April 7 we can expect Therian forme Tornadus
- On April 14 we can expect Therian forme Landorus
- On April 21 we can expect Therian forme Landorus
- On April 28 we can expect the Therian formes of all three of the trio, including Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus

This article will be updated towards the end of each month to reflect upcoming changes to the Pokemon Go raid hour schedule.
If you have difficulty finding raids with other trainers in your area, consider using a service or community to make new friends on Pokemon Go for remote raiding purposes – subreddits such as PokemonGoFriends or PokemonGoRaids can be great starting points for this.
READ MORE: Pokemon Go: Fletchling Community Day
Further information about more distant upcoming Pokemon Go events can usually be found on websites such as PokemonGoLive, which is the official hub website, and the website Leekduck.
Although, you can expect coverage of much Pokemon Go News here on The Click!