Clauncher, the Water Gun Pokemon, will be newly added to Pokemon Go during the Rivals’ Week event.
Though… how exactly do you get Clauncher in Pokemon Go? Luckily, that question is precisely what this article is here to answer.
What is Clauncher?
Clauncher is a pure water-type Pokemon, resembling a blue shrimp with an enlarged claw on one side. If you’re not familiar with Clauncher, it’s possible that you might remember its evolved form, – Clawitzer – a bit more.
In the evolved form the enlarged claw becomes massive relative to the size of the Pokemon’s body, and it gains the ability to suck up water and fire it as a compressed water cannonball.
If that’s not impressive enough for you, wait till you hear about the stopping power they fire at in the Pokedex entry below.
Their enormous claws launch cannonballs of water powerful enough to pierce tanker hulls.
Clawitzer Pokedex Entry, Generation VI, Pokemon X.

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Clauncher was added to Pokemon Go during the RIvals’ week 2021 event, alongside Skrelp and the evolved forms of both Pokemon.
How do I obtain Clauncher in Pokemon Go?
A few methods are available for those seeking to add Clauncher to their Pokedex.
First of all, Clauncher is expected to be available in the wild, meaning that in theory, you can get an unlimited supply of them that way.
Of course, this doesn’t do you much good if they simply never spawn near you by pure bad luck.

Credit: Bulbapedia
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For those of you who do in fact suffer from bad luck in Pokemon Go whenever you’re after something specific however, try not to worry too much.
Thankfully, wild catches aren’t the only option for Clauncher – it’s expected to be making appearances alongside Skrelp during the events field research tasks.
Make sure to get those research tasks done if that’s a valid option for you, as Pokemon from research tasks typically have 2 or 3 stars worth of stats at the minimum – making the hunt for a strong Clauncher much easier.
If that’s not enough for you, then it’s worth noting that Clauncher is expected to be appearing in raids during the event – alongside its evolved form Clawitzer and both Skrelp and Dragalge.
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Is there anything else to it?
Nope, that’s about it. Clauncher might be available in the future via different ways such as eggs – but for now, these are the options if you’re on the hunt for the Water Gun Pokemon Clauncher.
Unlike Skrelp, Clauncher also only needs 50 candy to evolve, so it’ll be a far simpler task to get Clawitzer than the effort needed to get Dragalge.
Hopefully, this helped answer any questions you had on how you can get yourself a Clauncher in Pokemon Go.
Best of luck on filling your Pokedex, Trainers.