With the upcoming Searching for Legends event heavily featuring Nosepass, it seemed like a good time to remind trainers how to obtain their very own Probopass in Pokemon Go!
Nosepass is a bit of an odd pokemon design, I mean it’s a head on legs with magnet arms and a giant red nose. But hey, it’s a funny design at least.

For those players interested in completing their Pokedex however, Nosepass is a bit of a curious entry – as with the mainline games Nosepass definitely have an evolution into Probopass, but Pokemon Go doesn’t show an evolution button on Nosepass when selected.
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Luckily, this isn’t a weird case of not being able to evolve your nosepass at all. It’s just Nosepass has another evolution requirement outside of the usual 50 candy, and the button only appears when that requirement is met.
How To Get Probobass In Pokemon Go?
What’s the requirement you wonder? Simply put, you must be near an active magnetic lure module on a Pokestop and then try to evolve Nosepass again.
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If you don’t have one available, other players can use them on a Pokestop for you, and if that’s not an option, you can buy one for 200 coins at the shop. Its a bit steep, but it is a reliable option.
Be aware that there is also a proximity requirement, so if it isn’t showing up it’s possible you are too far away.

If you meet that requirement and the proximity need, the button will appear as normal and you’ll be able to obtain your very own Probopass provided you have enough candy to feed the giant magnet nose. At which point your Nosepass will evolve into… what you’ve seen above.
Frankly, I’m not entirely sure that Probopass is an improvement over Nosepass in the looks department, but hey, these are the things we do for Pokedex Progress.
READ MORE: Pokemon Go: Searching For Legends Event
If you’re short on Nosepass candy for obtaining your very own Probopass, magnetic lure modules do lure in Nosepass too, so that can give you a small boost if you’re only a few off.
Alternatively, keep an eye out for the Searching for Legends event coming soon, and incidentally – that article is available below!