As we continue into the Season of Legends and the already busy world of Pokemon Go, we are set for an electrifying moment within the game with the new Electric-type event.
Electric-type Pokemon are set to have their debuting spotlight moment, in the first event of its kind, Charge Up!
Like previous events, this event will be focused upon evolving and catching Pokemon of the electric type, beginning Tuesday, 16 March, 2021, at 10.00 am local time, to Monday, 22 March, 2021, at 8.00 pm local time.
Event Features
During the Charge Up! event:
- 5 km eggs will contain Pichu, Elekid, Electrike, Shinx, Joltik, Tynamo and Stunfisk
- Alolan Geodude, Voltrob, Electrike, Stunfisk, and more will be appearing in the wild, with Tynamo making it’s debut.
- Timed research will focus on evolving and powering up electric Pokemon
- There will be event exclusive research with rewards such as Poke Balls, Ampharos Mega Energy, Manectric Mega Energy, and encounters with more electric Pokemon
- Voltorb, Blitzle, Klink, Shinx and Tynamo will be appearing in one-star raids
- Mega- Evolved Manectric – otherwise known as Mega Manectric – will be debuting in Mega Raids, alongside Meha Houndoom and Mega Abomasnow
- Therian Forme Thundurus will be appearing for the first time ever in five-star raids
- Alolan Graveler, Alolan Raichu, Ampharos and Magneton will all be appearing in three-star raids
READ MORE: Pokemon Go Raid Hour: How to Get Shiny Tornadus
Plus the added bonus of receiving Evolution items in Gifts. If you are running low on Upgrades, Sun Stones, Metal Coat, Dragon Scales, King’s Rock, Sinnoh Stones or Unova Stones, this will be the time to restock those supplies.

We will also be facing Therian Forme Thundurus during this event, which although it isn’t technically a new raid Pokemon, it is a new variant of Thundurus debuting in five-star raids.
READ MORE: Pokemon Go Promo Codes
Wow is there alot going on with Pokemon Go right now. They certainly want to keep us very busy during the Season of Legends.
As always, have fun, stay safe, and pay attention to your surroundings when playing.