Pokemon BDSP Trophy Garden: How to unlock & location

Pokemon BDSP Trophy Garden

Last Updated on: 28th November 2021, 02:41 pm

If you’re looking for easy access to some of the rarest and unique Pokemon in the Sinnoh region, you’re going to need to head to – and then unlock – the Trophy Garden in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl. This isn’t going to be too hard to do, but it’s easy to miss this feature if you’re focused on Team Galactic and the Elite Four. Here’s everything you need to know…

How to unlock the Trophy Garden

The Trophy Garden is a fantastic place to bolster your Pokedex in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl – it’s a little bit like the Great Marsh in the sense that it’s just a contained area where Pokemon spawn, but there’s so much more on offer. Unlike the Great Marsh, the Trophy Garden is automatically open and it’s free to access. All you have to do is find it!

If you want to get to the Trophy Garden, you’re going to need to head through Pastoria City and continue onto Route 212. This can be tough, given the fact that Route 212 is quite a muddy way to go – however if you use your Bike you shouldn’t have much trouble.

Once you’re through to the northern end of Route 212, you should stumble across Mr Backlot’s mansion. You can’t miss it, really, and the Trophy Garden is accessible through the building.

Pokemon BDSP Trophy Garden Mansion
Credit: IGN

It’s important to note that some of the Pokemon you’ll find here won’t be available until you complete your Sinnoh Pokedex. All you need to do is register all 150 Pokemon in the Sinnoh region to unlock the National Dex – unlike Ash, you don’t need to catch them all.

READ MORE: Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Wiki Guide

Trophy Garden Pokemon List

Speaking of Pokemon, what can you even get in this Trophy Garden?

If you’re wondering why this might be worth your time, we have you covered. Here’s what you might stumble across in the Trophy Garden…

Pokemon Anime Cleffa
Credit: The Pokemon Company

It is also important to note that only two Pokemon can spawn at any one time. Mr Backlot will fill you in on who’s available when you talk to him and the Pokemon reset daily – so… You might just have to come back tomorrow if you’re after a certain Pokemon.