Pokemon BDPS: Where to find Mewtwo

Pokemon BDSP Mewtwo

Last Updated on: 12th December 2021, 02:11 pm

Mewtwo is easily one of the most powerful Pokemon to ever feature in a Pokemon game – they’re also a fan-favourite amongst the rarer Pokemon available, thanks to 1996’s Pokemon: The First Movie. We have everything you need to know about where you can find Mewtwo in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl – then, you have to catch them!

Where to find Mewtwo in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

If you want to find Mewtwo in the Generation 4 remakes, you’re going to need to beat all eight Gym Leaders and the Elite Four. We know this isn’t the easiest task, but you should find that it is all a linear process as you continue through the game.

Once you’ve done this, you’re going to need to finish the Sinnoh region Pokedex. You should be pretty far through completing it when you reach the Elite Four, so it won’t take long to finish off. You don’t need to catch all the Pokemon either – you just need to encounter a Pokemon to register it.

READ MORE: Pokemon BDSP: How to unlock Ramanas Park

When you’ve done this, you’ll need to head back to Sandgem Town and get the National Dex from Professor Rowan and Professor Oak. Following this, you’re going to need to head to Ramnas Park at the end of Route 221 – this is replacing Pal Park.

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Credit: Serebii

When you arrive, you’re going to need to get a Genome Slate for the Genome Room – which is where you’ll find Mewtwo. The Genome Slate is one of the last ones you can unlock, though, so you’ll need to fight – and catch – your way through the available slates until it’s unlocked and available for purchase.

Then… It’s a battle against Mewtwo – which is no small feat. Thankfully, you should have a few Legendary Pokemon in your Pokemon Party by this stage.

READ MORE: Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Wiki Guide