Operation Crimson Heist is right around the corner and there’s a new batch of Nokk buffs coming to Siege along with the rest of the Y6S1 update.
Nokk was originally designed as a counter-intel Operator for Rainbow Six Siege, but the dynamic way people play has forced Ubisoft into adapting her toolset to keep her viable.
If someone sets off a Proximity Mine, for example, it can be as useful as a Camera Ping, if not more!
So, with this in mind, Ubisoft is introducing a few changes that should open Nokk up to a wider variety of playstyles and team compositions going forward.
This Reddit post from nine months ago seems to have finally come to fruition, too!
New Nokk Buffs In Siege
Below, we have the Operator changes coming to Nokk straight from the Designer’s Notes. Then, we’ll discuss what this could mean going forward.
- While HEL Presence Reduction is active, Nøkk won’t activate proximity-based gadgets
- Gadgets affected: Ela’s Grzmot Mine, Melusi’s Banshee, Kapkan’s Entry Denial Device, Proximity Alarm, and Metal Detectors
- Nøkk’s glitch effect will cancel the proximity immunity, resulting in the activation of any gadget in range
- The colour of the HEL device on Nøkk’s hand will change colour when bypassing any proximity device
It doesn’t seem like a lot at first glance, but Nokk is getting a fantastic little alteration to her tool kit that should make her much more of a dynamic Operator with multiple uses going forward.
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The changes to HEL Presence Reduction make Nokk a fantastic flanker, similar to how Caviera can be brutal for the Defenders with her silent footsteps.

In addition to this, the introduction of colour changes to Nokk’s HEL Device when she’s near any proximity devices will help her team as a whole.
Without needing to actually look for these devices, Nokk players can give faster call-outs while traversing flanking routes and keep their own mobility and attack speed up without risking their team. Well… As much anyway. We all know a Tachanka that likes to wander into a Grizmot, right?
READ MORE: Rainbow Six Siege: Kali buffs detailed ahead of Crimson Heist
Although some of the content included in Operation Crimson Heist is only available for Battle Pass Subscribers on March 16th, 2021, all the in-game updates and gameplay tweaks will be live.
These changes are going to be turned off in when the update goes live and are only available in the Siege Test Server, but expect them soon.