Outriders is a day away from its official launch day, so you may want a guide on how to use weapon mods before you hop into the game on Day 1. Here’s how to use Outriders gear mods!

Selling gear
Unused gear can be sold or dismantled. Each action has distinctive purpose: selling gives currency to buy gear and dismantling brings resources for crafting.
You can sell items to the Vendor to receive Scrap. Scrap is the base currency needed to buy gear. If your weapon or armor is behind in levels – buying a new one at Vendor may be a way to upgrade.
If you plan on stocking up currency to purchase gear from Vendors around the game, you might want to consider selling all of your unused gear.
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Dismantling gear
Sure, you can sell your gear, however, if you’re more interested in obtaining useful resources to craft better gear and upgrade your already wicked powerful gear, you may want to think twice about selling, and rather dismantle your unused gear.
Instead of being sold – items can be dismantled to receive materials, shards and unlock new mods. Shards are used in Crafting to improve items attributes.
Outriders Mods
Unlocked mods are added to the collection and can be then used in the Crafting to replace the existing modification. Just remember – multiple mods with the same name don’t stack.
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To unlock a Mod, find an item with it and dismantle it. All Mods from dismantled gear are unlocked for Crafting.
Mods can add various effects to your weapons and gear. Take “Burning Bullets” for example, this mod states “Shots inflict Burn on enemies” and has an 8 second cooldown.
Unfortunately, you can only mod a single slot. “Change a mod for another one. Only one slot can be modded. Multiple mods of the same name don’t stack! Disassemble an item with this mod to unlock it.”
So you won’t be able to add Burning Bullets with Freezing Bullets (shots inflict Freeze on enemies) or Ruler of Leeches (Killing shots increase Weapon Leech by 20% for 20 seconds).
There are, however, a total of 3 different Mod Tiers to choose from, with varying mods in each tier, so you’ll have plenty to unlock as you progress through the game.
Outriders will officially release tomorrow, April 1, 2021 to all platforms including PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC, and Google Stadia.