Video game adaptations have always been a mixed bag, with some turning out really good, such as the Castlevania anime or The Witcher series, and some have turned out really bad such as the Super Mario Bros movie.
With the recent releases of Castlevania and The Witcher, it seems that gaming adaptation may finally be taking a step in the right direction.
Halo TV Show Is Finally Coming
You’ve probably been hearing about it for a long time. The Halo TV show that has been in the works for years with no update now suddenly has a premiere date – and it’s on a streaming service you may be unfamiliar with.

Paramount+, the new streaming service from the entertainment giant goes public on March 4, and it brings with it some heavy-hitters in an attempt to lure customers into subscribing to just one more service. One of those hits is the rumoured-since-2013 Halo television series.
Release Date
Produced by Showtime, with consulting from 343, the show will premiere some time within the first quarter of 2022. (Psst, that’s about a year from today!) But can we trust that these Hollywood execs know what they’re doing with the treasured world of Halo?
READ MORE: Halo Infinite: What Can It Learn From Its Predecessors?

Hollywood adaptations of video game worlds have a notorious track record. Whether it be the many failed animated Sonic the Hedgehog anime, or the movie after movie of flat plots and bad one-liners, big wigs treat video game audiences like they’re stupid. Or at least, they’re so disconnected from the source material that it feels that way. Will Halo suffer the same fate in the yet-to-be proven capable hands of Showtime and Paramount?
In an interview with Deadline, David Nevins, an exec at both CBS and Showtime, described the show as being “a very powerful story” that explores the themes of Spartans getting back in touch with their humanity. Spartans, the armored super soldiers that make up the protagonists of most Halo media, are genetically altered humans who were abducted as children. Paramount’s Halo TV show seeks to dive into just how that affects them, and what Spartans will do to reclaim their humanity.
READ MORE: Do We Need A Mass Effect TV Series?
Nothing so far has spoken to the quality of the show, and so eager fans can only hope that this isn’t just another forgettable spin-off that barely follows canon, and dies after one season. Hopefully the Mass Effect and Fallout series don’t suck either. With video game adaptations, one must keep their expectations tempered.
What do you think? Are you excited to give it a try? Will you use Paramount+ for more than just a free week? Let us know!