Halo MCC CE: Where is the Terminal in the third mission?

Halo MCC CE Truth and Reconciliation Terminal

Last Updated on: 5th December 2021, 07:15 pm

The third Terminal of Halo MCC CE can be found on the third mission, Truth and Reconciliation, and here’s where exactly.

As always, Terminals in Halo aren’t exactly subtle – if you’re near them, you’ll probably know about it, but you have to get near it first. This terminal on the Third mission, Truth and Reconciliation, is one of the ones you’ll likely stumble on to by accident. – if you walk nearby, its very, very obvious.

Where is the third terminal in MCC Halo CE?

The third terminal is found a fair way into the mission, you’ll need to first board the ship by taking the Grav lift.

Keep pushing through the ship until you reach the hangar area with the Wraith where reinforcement marines get dropped in for you. In this room, you might also want to quickly check out our guide for the Foreign skull, as you might miss out on a chance for it if you don’t try to get it at this point.

With that said, you still need to continue on a ways yet. The room you’re looking for is shown below – you will pass through on the main way through the level, so you fortunately cannot miss it – when you open the door to it the grunts in the room will be asleep and the middle will be guarded by an awake Elite.

READ MORE: Halo MCC CE: Pillar of Autumn double challenge guide

Clear the room entirely of foes and then head up to where the Elite was originally located to find the terminal, it does stand out due to a bright red glow from the other panels, so you won’t miss it.

Is there anything else?

All there is left to do run is run up and interact with the Third Terminal, and then you’ve got that achievement squared away and one more of the Terminals located in Halo MCC CE.

In any case, that’s about everything for this short guide. We’ve got more Halo content available for you if you’re interested, and if you’d like to try reading more of what I’ve written, my content is available on my author page.