Genshin Impact: Where is the Scaramouche weekly boss fight?

where is the scaramouche weekly boss fight everlasting lord of arcane wisdom fight introduction

Last Updated on: 3rd November 2022, 04:35 pm

If you’ve dealt with the story of Genshin Impact V3.2, you might just be ready for another shot at the new boss, but where is the Scaramouche weekly boss fight?

As with other main story boss fights before him – including another member of his own family – Scaramouche has become a weekly boss fight that will be used for character talent materials. But you need to beat him to get access to those, and that’ll be hard to do without knowing where to find the boss fight.

If you haven’t found it yet, then don’t worry. There are no requirements to accessing it beyond completing the relevant story content, so if you’ve dealt with that it’s simply a matter of finding the right place.

Where is the Scaramouche weekly boss?

To replay the Scaramouche fight in its new weekly form, you just need to know where is the Scaramouche weekly boss. You should have the ability to teleport to it immediately if you’ve already completed the story quest involving the Scaramouche boss fight. If you haven’t yet done so, you might want to leave this article until you have. Because, you know, spoilers.

To access the fight, you’ll need to go to the Joururi Workshop domain, located east of Sumeru City.

Unlike the Archon Quest encounter with Scaramouche, the domain is a far smaller experience. Interact with the door at the teleport point, select the boss fight level you expect you will best be able to handle, and walk straight in.

You won’t have to contend with any puzzle or even other enemies, much like other weekly boss arenas – though there is a short walk across a bridge to the boss, while most other similar fights spawn you very close to the boss.

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genshin impact scaramouche machine weekly boss fight arena phase one
Credit: HoYoVerse, TheClick.GG

A word of caution for you in advance; the weekly boss version of Scaramouche, much like other weekly bosses, will be stronger than his story mode version. If you struggled there, make sure you’re fully prepared before heading out to the Joururi workshop to tackle him a second time.

This is all there is to finding the Scaramouche weekly boss location. Although he might prefer if we called it the ‘Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom’ weekly boss, but that name is a bit of a mouthful.