Genshin Impact: When is Tighnari’s birthday?

When is Tighnari's birthday in Genshin Impact

As the Genshin Impact cast grows, so does the list of birthdays, so if you’re left wondering when is Tighnari’s birthday, we’ve got you covered.

Some of you may be curious about why these character birthdays matter at all. If so, that’s because each character in Genshin Impact actually gives you a small gift on their birthday, often containing their unique food alongside some of their ascension materials – making the grind that bit easier. To top it off, it’s usually accompanied by a nice letter from the character.

When is Tighnari’s birthday?

The answer to when is Tighnari‘s birthday, is the 29th of December. You’ll have to wait till pretty much the end of the year before you get a birthday message from this character, but at least it’ll be added to the holiday season alongside the likes of Zhongli, on December 31st.

We don’t yet know what to expect for his birthday, but it’s likely going to include whatever his special dish is and perhaps an ascension item or two. We’ll make sure to add more details in the future when we finally get to meet this upcoming Genshin Impact character, or when they do get around to sending us their very first birthday message as part of the Genshin cast.

Genshin Impact Tighnari leaked screen capture

READ MORE: Sumeru splash arts leak for characters Tighnari, Collei and Dori

So if you’ve been wondering when is Tighnari’s birthday, it’s the 29th of December and now you know. As one of the upcoming Sumeru region characters, we really don’t know a whole lot about them yet except from what leaks reveal to us, but birthdays are one of the bits of information that has dropped so far.

If you’re interested in Tighnari for more than just his birthday, make sure to keep on our Genshin Impact section right here on The Click where we cover everything from leaks to news, bosses and guides.