Genshin Impact: Season’s greetings achievement guide

Genshin impact Seasons greetings achievement

Last Updated on: 19th February 2023, 03:07 pm

Season’s greetings is a Genshin Impact achievement requiring you to freeze 4 opponents within 2 seconds.

Like other Elementalist specialist series achievements, Season’s greetings must be completed 10 times in total for the maximum reward of 20 Primogems, plus an additional 15 for previous levels, for a total of 35.

While at least half of the elemental specialist achievements are fairly easy, Season’s greetings is perhaps the easiest of them all, as it only requires you to activate the elemental reaction quickly rather than kill opponents with it as well.

How to get the Season’s greetings achievement in Genshin Impact

While Season’s greetings is easier than most if not all of the other elemental specialist achievements, there are still specific methods available to make it even easier.

The best way to perform this particular challenge is to use the Cecilia Garden domain in the Mondstadt region, alongside just about any cryo character with good ability uptime, or just large area of effect on their elemental skills and burst. You could also use multiple characters to make this even faster, though for the sake of the example I will assume you only have Kaeya, who is given to all players for free at a set stage in the story.

Credit: Hoyoverse, Youtube: @Fjarunsigr

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To make this as simple as possible I recommend using any of the first tier of Cecilia Garden domain challenges – such as Submerged Valley I. The enemies at this level are exclusively Hydro slimes, which means they just need to be exposed to any source of Cryo damage to become frozen, as they are automatically infused with Hydro.

You don’t need to have any particular build on Kaeya – or any other cryo character – to make progress here, though if you intend to stay in the domain for a while and try to make as much progress as you possibly can in one run, you may wish to remove any and all artifacts that are boosting damage stats such as EM, CRIT or ATK.

Credit: Hoyoverse, Youtube: @Fjarunsigr

Due to the domain modifier – slowing water – it may actually be faster to leave and re-enter the domain if you’d like to complete the full 10 progress. As you can earn 20 primogems as a final tier reward by completing season’s greetings, this is worth doing if you need more on short notice. The full achievement from start to finish is worth 35 Primogems in total, though due to the ease of making progress you may well have gotten some progress already.

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If you find yourself struggling with this particular achievement, one way to make it easier is to lure the initial group of Hydro slimes by walking to the side of the domain arena. As small-size slimes have limited attacks, they will simply chase you until they reach melee range.

You can take advantage of this and lead them around until they clump together, at which point you can turn around and use Kaeya’s elemental skill to freeze the entire group at once. If you don’t deal enough damage to kill them with this freeze effect, you may even be able to repeat that multiple times per group – just make sure to leave a little time for them to de-freeze, or you may not make additional progress.