How and where to get a Floral Zither in Genshin Impact


Last Updated on: 24th June 2022, 08:33 am

After the event that introduced the Floral Zither has concluded, there’s still a way to obtain one for yourself in Genshin Impact.

Where to find the Floral Zither in Genshin Impact

Now that the original method of gaining the Floral Zither through the event is long gone, you might be left wondering if you can get this instrument at all in Genshin Impact anymore. It turns out you can because it’s been added to a shop in Liyue.

To obtain the Floral Zither, teleport to the south waypoint in the city, and then check across the square from where you arrive. Granny Shan operates a toy store here, and in her store interface, she now sells the Floral Zither to players for 150000 Mora.

The store selling the floral zither in genshin impact located in liyue
Credit: TheClick.GG, Hoyoverse

While that is pretty steep, it’s pretty much the same as what you’ll be charged for similar items from previous events that are currently available in the Mondstadt souvenir shop, located across from the adventurers guild.

These gadget items aren’t particularly useful for anything now that the respective events have concluded, though you can still use and play them.

the floral zither in the store in liyue
Credit: TheClick.GG, Hoyoverse

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If you’re hurting for Mora, you might want to give these a skip, or visit our farming guide to get enough for them, anyway.

In any case, they’re not important anymore and are simply available for those players who enjoy collecting this kind of item, or for those who just want to enjoy playing with the instruments added in these events.

The ongoing version 2.7 Drumalong event seems set to introduce another of these instruments too, so make sure to attend that to save on the 150000 Mora you’ll need to buy it later if you miss out.

Ultimately whether you like these instrument items is mostly personal preference and down to if you find them fun or not, but it’s nice that they’re not outright removed from the game after the events end.