Genshin Impact: Yae Miko elemental Skill, Burst, Constellations leak

Genshin Impact Yae Miko banner

Last Updated on: 4th January 2022, 11:31 am

Following on from the previous leak, Yae Mikos Constellations, skill and elemental burst in Genshin Impact has also been leaked.

Genshin Impact’s Yae Miko’s entire kit leaks

As a warning to you all in advance, these leaks detail much if not just about everything in Yae Mikos kit in Genshin Impact, so if you’re looking to be surprised in the future when she releases, this article is not for you.

If you want to know just about everything about Yae Miko from leaks, however, this is the Genshin Impact article for you.

And just to get this in before we get into the more exciting bits, her ascension stat was also revealed to be Crit chance/rate, which will combine well with her weapon, which is believed to be Crit Dmg.

Yae Miko elemental Skill leak

Her basic skill is described as follows

Moves rapidly, leaving behind a [lethal sakura].

Lethal Sakura Has the following characteristics: – Periodically deals damage to one nearby enemy with lightning, dealing Electro DMG; – When there are other [lethal sakura] nearby, it will increase their level, and the aforementioned attacks will deal more damage.

There can be up to 3 [lethal sakura] at the same time, the (initial) maximum level of [lethal sakura] can reach is 3.

Wangsheng Funeral Parlor Discord

This makes her sound like a fairly nimble, evasive character who can leave behind trap like or emplacement style sources of Electro damage – potentially similar to Fischl’s Oz, though in this case with more scaling and the movement mechanic on top.

Yae Miko Genshin Impact Lethal Sakura totem
Credit: miHoYo, Wangsheng Funeral Parlor Discord

Yae Miko elemental Burst leak

Lightning and thunder descends, dealing AoE electro damage. When the burst is used, Yae will release any [lethal sakura] nearby. They will morph into a Tenko Thunderstrike and descend, dealing AoE electro damage. Every [lethal sakura] consumed by this method will create one Tenko Thunderstrike.

Wangsheng Funeral Parlor Discord

Yae Mikos Elemental burst meanwhile, seems aimed at being a straight-up nuke, with the added bonus that any of the Lethal Sakura that are left behind during her elemental skill is also turned into AoE Electro nukes as well.

Yae Miko Burst leak Genshin Impact
Credit: miHoYo, Wangsheng Funeral Parlor Discord

A tweet was also included that is believed to give an idea of how Yae will look after using her Elemental burst, featuring tails visible during Genshin gameplay.

Yae Miko passive Talent leak

Every point of EM Yae possesses increases Lethal Sakura’s damage by 0.15%

Wangsheng Funeral Parlor Discord

A simpler component of her kit, Yae Miko seemingly just gains increased Lethal Sakura damage based on Elemental Mastery.

READ MORE: Genshin Impact: Yae Miko elemental burst and weapon screenshots leak

Yae Miko Constellations leak

C1: Every time [Secret Technique: Heavenly Fox] triggers a [Lethal Sakura Thunderbolt], Yae recovers 7 energy for herself.

C2: [Lethal Sakura]’s CD is reduced by 20% and its attack AoE is increased by 100%.

C3: Increases the level of [Elemental skill] by 3. Maximum upgrade is 15

C4: When [Lethal Sakura thunderbolt] triggered by [Secret Technique: Heavenly Fox] hits an enemy, all teammates receive a 20% electro dmg bonus that lasts for 5s.

C5: Increases the level of [Elemental burst] by 3. Maximum upgrade is 15

C6: When a [Lethal Sakura] is created, its initial level is raised to two, and its maximum level is increased to four. [Lethal Sakura]’s attacks will ignore 45% of enemy DEF.

Wangsheng Funeral Parlor Discord

While C3 and C5 are no particular surprise in this constellations leak for Yae, the rest of her constellations sound like they are actually quite significant. Energy recovery helps her become more consistent with her damage, while the C2 cooldown reduction and AoE increase is likely a significant damage increase.

These constellations are still labelled as a suspect leak in the funeral parlor discord, however, so we cannot confirm if they are accurate or not. They do seem to fit with her kit reasonably well, so something along these lines wouldn’t be surprising. We can at least expect C3 and C5 to be accurate regardless, given all characters thus far have a small level boost as some of their constellations.

READ MORE: Genshin Impact: Yae Miko images leak early, forcing announcement

That’s everything for this latest batch of Genshin Impact Yae Miko leaks, which seem to be appearing remarkably fast, I was not expecting to see her elemental skill, burst and constellations all leak this quickly at the least – though I suppose it is certainly reflecting the community hype for the character.

If you’re interested in more Genshin Impact leak content like this, you can find more coverage in our Genshin Impact section here, and you can find more articles written by me specifically on my author page.

If you have yet to try Genshin Impact, you can play the game for free on mobile devices including Android and iOS alongside consoles such as Playstation 4, Playstation 5 and Pc on both miHoYo’s official launcher and Epic Games Store. A Nintendo Switch version is stated to be in development.