Genshin Impact: Where to Find Snapdragon

Last Updated on: 5th July 2022, 10:13 pm

Fancy eating flowers? Well, you might have already done so in real life. But if you haven’t yet, there are lots of edible flowers in Genshin Impact that you might want to try. 

Yup, you can cook and eat them! While most flowers satisfy you with their sweet scent and appeal, Snapdragon is one of the many flowers in Genshin Impact that will also tickle and satisfy your taste buds. 

So, if you want to cook some Snapdragon, get ready to dig in. We’ll let you know where you can find them. 

Can be eaten once cooked. As a spice, it can bring wonderful flavor to dishes. 

Credit: HoYoverse

READ MORE: Genshin Impact: Where to Find Lotus Head

Snapdragon Locations in Genshin Impact 

You can find Snapdragons at beaches and riverbanks in Mondstadt and Liyue. Check out the map below to know exactly where they are. 

Snapdragon in Mondstadt

Credit: HoYoverse

Snapdragon in Liyue

Credit: HoYoverse

You can also purchase Snapdragons from Botanist Chloris

Unlike her younger sister Flora who can easily be found selling flowers in the City of Mondstadt, Chloris is a wandering NPC found around Windrise

READ MORE: Genshin Impact: Where to Find Violetgrass

Snapdragon in Cooking 

In Genshin Impact, below are the dishes that you can make using Snapdragon as a cooking ingredient: 

Dish Ingredients Effect 
Chicken Tofu Pudding Fowl Ã—4 
Ham Ã—2 
Bird Egg Ã—2 
Snapdragon Ã—1 
Increases the party’s attack by 224/272/320 and critical rate by 6/8/10% for 300 seconds. 
Cream Stew Raw Meat Ã—2 
Cream Ã—2 
Snapdragon Ã—1 
Decreases Stamina depleted by sprinting for all party members by 15/20/25% for 900 seconds. 
Cured Pork Dry Hotpot Ham Ã—2 
Matsutake Ã—2 
Snapdragon Ã—1 
Pepper Ã—1 
Increases all party members’ CRIT Rate by 10/15/20% for 300s. 
Spicy Stew – Barbara’s Specialty Raw Meat Ã—2 
Cream Ã—2 
Snapdragon Ã—1 
Decreases Stamina depleted by sprinting for all party members by 25% for 1500 seconds. 
Tri-Flavored Skewer Raw Meat Ã—2 
Cream Ã—2 
Snapdragon Ã—1 
Increases the party’s attack by 160/194/228 for 300 seconds. 
Ghostly March – Hu Tao’s Specialty Matsutake Ã—2 
Snapdragon Ã—2 
Revives a character and restores 15% of Max HP, then restores an additional 550 HP 
Jewelry Soup Snapdragon Ã—2 
Tofu Ã—2 
Lotus Head Ã—1 
Increases the party’s defense by 88/107/126 for 300 seconds. 
Konda Cuisine Snapdragon Ã—2 
Tofu Ã—2 
Lotus Head Ã—1 
Revives and restores 900/1,200/1,500 HP to the target fallen character 
Sangayaki Fish Ã—2 
Snapdragon Ã—2 
Salt Ã—1 
Decreases Stamina depleted by sprinting for all party members by 15/20/25% for 900 seconds. 
Stir-Fried Fish Noodles Fish Ã—2 
Rice Ã—2 
Snapdragon Ã—2 
Restores 18/20/22% of Max HP to the selected character and regenerates 300/390/470 HP every 5 seconds for 30 seconds. 
Summer Festival Fish – Yoimiya’s Specialty Milk Ã—2 
Snapdragon Ã—2 
Sakura Bloom Ã—2 
Rice Ã—1 
Restores 40% of Max HP and an additional 2,350 HP to the selected character. 
Tricolor Dango Milk Ã—2 
Snapdragon Ã—2 
Sakura Bloom Ã—2 
Rice Ã—1 
Restores 30/32/34% of Max HP and an additional 600/1,250/1,900 HP to the target character. 
Vegetarian Abalone Matsutake Ã—2  Snapdragon Ã—2 Revives and restores 250/400/550 HP to the selected character. 
Stir-Fried Shrimp Shrimp Meat Ã—4 
Flour Ã—3 
Snapdragon Ã—3 
Revives and restores 250/400/550 HP to the selected character.