Genshin Impact: Jade Leaves do repose Floral Courtyard solution

Theme of the day for Genshin Impact Floral courtyard

Last Updated on: 14th April 2022, 05:54 pm

With day three of the Floral Courtyard now available in the Irodori Festival in Genshin Impact, it’s time to solve Jade Leaves do repose.

The Jade Leaves do repose, the flowers are born in the wind Floral Courtyard solution

A full solution to the Jade Leaves do repose, the flowers are born in the wind puzzle is shown in-game if you simply wait a short time while playing, but for those of you who can’t wait for this solution in Genshin Impact, we’ve got it for you here.

Base: Wild Laurel

Floral Scene: Verdant Leaves in the Balmy Breeze


Front-Left: a short height Promise of Blue skies

Front-centre: a medium height Silhouette of the Wind’s reverie

Front-right: A short height Promise of Blue skies

Back-left: A medium height Sunset Shadows

Back-centre: A tall height Silhouette of the Wind’s Reverie

Back-right: a medium height Promise of Blue Skies

Solution to Day Three of Floral Courtyard Puzzle, The Jade Leaves do repose, the flowers are born in the wind in Genshin Impact
The Jade Jeaves do repose, the flowers are born in the wind genshin impact floral courtyard solution
Credit: HoYoverse, The Click

READ MORE: Genshin Impact: Purple Sakura lies sparse Floral Courtyard solution

Setup your arrangement of flowers according to the image or the text above, both should give you the correct result for this stage of the Floral Courtyard event.

As always, the easiest thing to screw up here is the height option as the setting is easy to forget about. Make sure to check each flowers height before you click on to the next one to avoid getting mixed up and having to check through all of them.

solved day three floral courtyard puzzle
Credit: HoYoverse, The Click

Do it correctly as described and you’ll be met with this little floral theme completed pop up, with your rewards available to claim in the Floral Courtyard event tab.

There’s only one more arrangement left after this one, so stay tuned for that.