Genshin Impact: Dandelion Seeds Locations

Dandelion Seeds are a Local Specialty in Mondstadt.

These seeds can be used as a material to craft Anemoculus Resonance Stone, Gushing Essential Oil, and Windbarrier Potion. They can also be used for character ascension, specifically for Eula and Jean

A tiny seed that rides on the wind. Even without its feathered wings, it still holds the hope from afar within. In a sense, the dandelion represents the romantic spirit of love and freedom. In the land of the wind, where dandelions are found in abundance, people use dandelions in wine making. Experts in local folklore believe that in ancient times, wine brewed from dandelions had a strong symbolic meaning. 

READ MORE: Genshin Impact: List of Mondstadt’s regional specialties and where to find them

Where to find Dandelion Seeds? 

Note that Dandelion Seeds are harvested after using an Anemo ability on Dandelions

These seeds are sold by NPC Karpillia in Ritou, Inazuma. But you can find a lot of Dandelions in the wild. You’ll even find lots of them at the front gates of the City of Mondstadt

Check out the map below or the interactive map here to see where you can find Dandelions

Credit: HoYolab

READ MORE: Genshin Impact: Cecilia Locations

Did you know? 

Dandelion Seeds were included in Amber and Barbara’s 2021 Birthday Mail. 

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