Genshin Impact: Anyone can become a gourmet missable achievement

failed cooking results in Genshin Impact

Last Updated on: 11th November 2021, 04:56 pm

Genshin Impact has plenty of achievements, some more obvious than others – here’s a guide for how to get the Anyone can become a gourmet one.

How to get the Anyone can become a Gourmet achievement in Genshin Impact

This one is a pretty simple one to get for yourself in Genshin Impact, and a nice way to net yourself a free handful of Primogems, but Anyone can become a Gourmet can also be pretty easy to miss if you’re not aware of it.

To get the Anyone can become a Gourmet missable achievement in Genshin Impact, you’ll need to fail cooking 10 times in total. This means producing 10 separate “suspicious quality” dishes in total.

To save yourself some resources, it’s best to do this with a cheap recipe, such as the Teyvat fried egg – for your own sake, don’t go intentionally ruining an Adeptus Temptation or something similarly expensive just for the achievement, as any recipe is equally valid for this one, so cheap ones are your best bet by far – unless you’ve farmed so much you really don’t care about wasted ingredients, in any case.

simple recipe cooking in Genshin Impact
Credit: miHoYo

READ MORE: Genshin Impact: How to unlock autocook for foods

You’ll need to cook manually for this one as well, if you auto-cook after having unlocked it, you’ll just produce the highest quality of meal automatically. There’s no option to choose the quality you want for it.

On the upside, you just need to select any of the empty zones in the cooking bar, so in most recipes, you can intentionally fail immediately and it’ll be progress towards the achievement.

Anyone can become a gourmet Genshin Impact Achievement
Credit: miHoYo

Just cook 10 in total and the achievement is yours, alongside some very sub-par food.

Anything else to mention?

Nothing on this one, that really is all there is to the achievement, fortunately there are no second or third steps that would require us to burn a hundred meals or the like.

With how to unlock autocook now covered, if you’d be interested you can find more content about Genshin Impact here, and you can find more articles written by me specifically on my author page.

And if you haven’t tried Genshin Impact yet, you can play the game for free on mobile devices including Android and iOS alongside consoles such as Playstation 4, Playstation 5 and Pc on both miHoYo’s official launcher and Epic Games Store. A Nintendo Switch version is stated to be in development.