Genshin Impact 2.3 leaks: Next possible characters, upcoming skins details

genshin next possible characters featured

Last Updated on: 5th October 2021, 03:04 am

While leaks for Genshin Impact are getting scarce nowadays, we still have some believable sources for them. One of them is Ubatcha, who has now revealed some information about the next possible characters, along with the future skins we’ll receive.

Ubatcha is known for having revealed some real information, but some of his guesses were actually wrong, like having Ganyu as a rerun character when that honor was actually given to Childe.

But reruns are really unpredictable, so that’s understandable. Other of his information like Raiden’s updates during the beta or fishing information was correct, so his word must be taken into consideration when talking about leaks.

Who are the next possible characters in Genshin Impact?

Ubatcha used his Twitter account to inform us about the next possible new characters we’ll be seeing in the 2.3 version. They are Arataki Itto and Gorou. 

Gorou was previously confirmed to be a Geo Bow user, and it seems that Itto is almost confirmed to also hold a Geo vision, but a claymore-wielding character.

READ MORE: Who is Arataki Itto, a possible future character in Genshin Impact

From his information, it seems that, sadly, Itto will not have a “buff male” body type. The “male” body type refers to the likes of Diluc, Childe, Zhongli, and Kaeya.

Also, it seems that, as previously indicated by Ubatcha himself, Albedo will be getting his rerun soon. He’ll probably be a good pair for Itto himself if he ends up being Geo.

Upcoming skins

Aside from the next characters, we’ll see, Ubatcha also talked about the next skins in the game.

Skins for Ningguang and Keqing were previously confirmed to be a few of the real points in Sukunaa’s leak list, so Ubatcha’s information has a good possibility of being real.

Lastly, he also announced that we’ll soon be seeing more male characters in the future.

As usual, we must take all of this information with a grain of salt. But hopefully, we’ll see all of that information becoming real in the final game.

READ MORE: Genshin Impact 2.2: Release date, banners order officially revealed

Genshin Impact is currently on the 2.1 version, “Floating World Under the Moonlight”, featuring the conclusion of the Archon Quests in Inazuma, a new Weekly Boss, 2 new World Bosses, new characters, and two new areas for exploration.

You can play the game for free on mobile devices including Android, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, and Pc on both miHoYo’s official launcher and Epic Games Store. A Nintendo Switch version is stated to be in development.