Genshin Impact 1.5 Yanfei: Talents and Voice Actresses Officially Revealed

Yanfei Genshin Impact 1.5

Last Updated on: 22nd April 2021, 10:30 pm

Today, mihoYo officially revealed new details regarding Genshin Impact’s upcoming 4-star character, Yanfei, revealing an official overview of her normal attacks, Elemental skill, and Elemental Burst, her English, and Japanese VA’s, a showcase of some of her voicelines, and more.

READ MORE: Genshin Impact 1.5: Yanfei gets her first Character Demo

Yanfei: Talents

Yanfei will be a character focused on dealing high amounts of Pyro Damage to her enemies, all while increasing the availability of her charged attacks, and the amounts of Scarlet Seals in her possession.

Normal Attacks: Seal of Approval

Her normal attacks will consist of a projectile blast that deals three counts of Pyro damage in sequence. Every time she hits an enemy with her normal attacks she will receive a single Scarlet Seal, which will decrease the amount of stamina needed to perform her charged attack.

You can check her normal attack animation, as well as its official description, courtesy of miHoYo.

Yanfei Normal Attack
Credit: miHoYo.

Her charged attack consists of a huge AoE Pyro attack. The overall damage and range of the attack will increase by the number of Scarlet Seals currently in Yanfei’s possession. Using a charged attack uses up all Scarlet Seals.

You can check her charged attack animation below, as well as its official description, courtesy of miHoYo.

Credit: miHoYo.

Elemental Skill: Signed Edict

Her elemental Skill, Signed Edict, will consist of an AoE blast of Pyro Damage. Hitting an enemy with this skill will automatically give Yanfei the maximum number of Scarlet Seals.

The maximum number of Scarlet Seals will change based on her level, and constellations.

You can check her Elemental Skill animation below, as well as its official description, courtesy of miHoYo.

Credit: miHoYo.

Elemental Burst: Done Deal

Her Elemental Burst, Done Deal, will have Yanfei surround herself with intense flames, dealing AoE Pyro damage, giving her the maximum amount of Scarlet Seals available, and applying the Brilliance buff on her.

The buff will increase the damage of Yanfei’s charged attacks and periodically give her Scarlet Seals. The effect of Brilliance will cease if she dies or leaves the field.

You can check out her elemental burst animation, and official description below:

Credit: miHoYo.

READ MORE: Genshin Impact 1.5: Yanfei’s constellations leaked

Yanfei: Voice Actresses

Yanfei will be voiced by Lizzie Freeman in English, and by Hanamori Yumiri in Japanese. You can check the official post featuring the reveal below:

Hanamori is best known for voicing Ayasaka Ai in the anime adaptation of KAGUYA-SAMA: LOVE IS WAR. Freeman is known for being the English voice of Chizuru Ichinose in the anime adaptation of Rent a Girlfriend.

READ MORE: Genshin Impact 1.5: Will Yanfei be a DPS or a Support?

Yanfei: Story, Voicelines, Hobbies, and More

Together with the official reveal of her voice actresses, and talents, miHoYo also revealed an overview of her story, a transcript of some of Yanfei’s voicelines, as well as Ningguang’s opinion of the adviser, and her favorite food and hobbies.

You can check out all below, courtesy of miHoYo:

READ MORE: Genshin Impact 1.6: Kazuha’s full name, possible skills, and constellations leaked

Genshin Impact is currently available for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, mobile devices – Android, iOS – and PC, via miHoYo’s official launcher.

Genshin Impacts version 1.5 “Beneath the Light of Jadeite” will premiere on April 28. Yanfei will star on the new versions first banner, together with the highly awaited rerun of 5-star Zhongli.

A native version for the game for the PlayStation 5 is coming together with the new version and will feature improved graphics, framerate, and faster loading times. A new version of the game for the Nintendo Switch is also reportedly in development.