Genshin Impact “Core of the Apparatus” Guide: All 20 Robot Recipes for “Freestyle Creations”

Genshin Impact Core of the Apparatus Robot Recipes

Last Updated on: 3rd July 2022, 05:22 pm

If you love robots, you’ll be able to create some of your own in the latest Genshin Impact event of patch 2.7, using these very Robot recipes. The event is known as the Core of the Apparatus.

During the event, you need to collect materials to create robots that you can place as furnishings for your Serenitea Pot. However, without knowing the recipe for the robot that you want, you might end up getting something you don’t fancy.

In this article, we have listed down the robot recipes for the Core of the Apparatus event. As each recipe requires materials such as flowers, fruits, and ores, you might want to check out the list of possible materials that you can use in our Core of the Apparatus (Day 1) Event Guide. If you want tips for applying the elements to yourself, check out our Core of the Apparatus (Day 2) Event Guide.

Genshin Impact Core of the Apparatus Robot recipes in the Product Archive
Credit: HoYoverse, TheClick

List of all Robot Recipes for “Freestyle Creations”

Below are all the robot recipes that you can use to get redemption vouchers through the Freestyle Creations section of the Core of the Apparatus event in Genshin Impact:

Mirrorpool Horned Owl: TurningFlowers or FruitsHydroHypostases
Thunder Manifestations
Eyes of the Storm
Mirrorpool Horned Owl: DancingFlowers or FruitsHydroSlimes
Mirrorpool Horned Owl: Air TimeFlowers or FruitsHydroSpecters
Thundering Horned Owl: TurningFlowers or FruitsElectroHypostases
Thunder Manifestations
Eyes of the Storm
Thundering Horned Owl: DancingFlowers or FruitsElectroSlimes
Thundering Horned Owl: Air TimeFlowers or FruitsElectroSpecters
Flowfire Horned Owl: TurningFlowers or FruitsPyroHypostases
Thunder Manifestations
Eyes of the Storm
Flowfire Horned Owl: DancingFlowers or FruitsPyroSlimes
Flowfire Horned Owl: Air TimeFlowers or FruitsPyroSpecters
Traveling Horned OwlRandomRandomRandom
Mirrorpool Triped: TippingFlowers or FruitsHydroHypostases
Thunder Manifestations
Eyes of the Storm
Mirrorpool Triped: JiggyFlowers or FruitsHydroSlimes
Mirrorpool Triped: SittingFlowers or FruitsHydroSpecters
Thundering Triped: TippingFlowers or FruitsElectroHypostases
Thunder Manifestations
Eyes of the Storm
Thundering Triped: JiggyFlowers or FruitsElectroSlimes
Thundering Triped: SittingFlowers or FruitsElectroSpecters
Flowfire Triped: TippingFlowers or FruitsPyroHypostases
Thunder Manifestations
Eyes of the Storm
Flowfire Triped: DancingFlowers or FruitsPyroSlimes
Flowfire Triped: SittingFlowers or FruitsPyroSpecters
Traveling TripedRandomRandomRandom

While it is possible for you to get all of the vouchers from this list of robot recipes, it is important to note that you can only redeem four (4) robots, so choose wisely!

For more information, you can also check each of the robots through the Product Archive section of the Core of the Apparatus. This can be accessed through the game’s Events page.