The Fortnite Season 5 Week 9 challenges are live, these challenges offer lots of XP to help level out the Battle Pass and secure all of the new skins before the season ends on March 16th 2021.
Week 9 Challenges
Here are the challenges that are available this week.
Epic Quests
- Stage 1: Shakedown an IO Guard
- Stage 2: Find a hidden bunker
- Stage 3: Find the black box of the crashed plane
- Stage 1: Deal damage while in water – 200 damage
- Stage 2: Emote at stone statues
- Stage 3: Ride the Steamy Stacks
- Stage 4: Deal damage to a loot shark – 500 damage
Each Epic Quest is worth 22,000 XP, giving a total of 154,000 XP.
Legendary Quest
- Shakedown Opponents (5/10/15/20/25)
The Legendary Quests are worth 55,000 XP for the first complete, then 22,000 for each one after, giving a total of 143,000 XP.
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Shakedown Opponents
This weeks Legendary Quest is to shakedown opponents. This has to be done in team based modes such as Duos, Trios, and Squads.
When a player still has a team mate alive, they will be knocked rather than eliminated, this is to allow time for their team mate to save them.
Players can shakedown opponents when they’re knocked to reveal the location of the team mates.

This is done by pressing the Use button while standing next to them, this is usually Square, X, or E depending on the platform.
The challenge has 5 stages with the final one completing after 25 opponents have been shaking down.
Players also only have 1 week to complete the challenge, so you should jump into some Duos and Squads and get it done before its too late!
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