Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 is well underway now and it has completely changed the way we play the game with the new crafting and hunting mechanics. Rather than a standard loot pool it is now customizable with players able to craft (no pun intended) their perfect loadout.
Here is how to Deal explosive damage to opponents.
Deal explosive damage to opponents
Explosive weapons are a constant in Fortnite, with Grenades, Rocket Launchers, and the Explosive Bow being the explosive options in Chapter 2 Season 6.
To complete this, players need to deal a total of 1,000 explosive damage.

Grenades deal 100 damage, while Rocket Launchers deal just over 100.
Explosive Bows also deal up to 80 damage after the explosions detonate.
Overall, it is a fairly simple challenge that just takes time. One easy way to complete it is to play Duos, Trios, or Squads and use explosive weapons on downed opponents and it is harder for downed players to avoid the explosion.

Week 2 Epic Quests
Here are the Week 2 Epic Quests.

The challenges this week are:
- Craft a Mechanical Bow, a Mechanical Explosive Bow, and a Mechanical Shockwave Bow (1)
- Deal damage with Mechanical weapons (300)
- Deal explosive damage to opponents (1000)
- Tame a boar (1)
- Ride Different Ziplines (5)
- Obtain literature samples from Pleasant Park, Lazy Lake, or Retail Row (4)
- Get a headshot with a bow (1)
Each Epic Quest is worth 24,000 XP, granting 168,000 XP in total, around 2 levels worth of XP.
READ MORE: Fortnite Season 6: Lara Croft NPC Location In-Game
Week 2 Legendary Quests
Here are the Week 2 Legendary Quests.

The Legendary Quest this week is:
- Deal damage with bows (2500/5000/7500/10000/12500)
The first stage of the challenge is worth 35,000 XP, the following 4 are worth 24,500 XP each, giving a total of 140,000 XP for completing the Legendary Quest.
READ MORE: Fortnite: How to find and hunt wildlife animals
But be fast, Legendary Quests are only around until the next set of challenges go live and then they are gone forever.
Season 6 is currently scheduled to last until June 8th, which means we can expect around 12 weeks of challenges before the season is over.