Pokemon Gym Leaders are Trainers who have truly devoted themselves to being the best at a type that they love, and challenge the player to put their knowledge and experience to the test.
In this list, we’ll be going over which Gym Leaders are a cut above their compatriots in this list of the best Gym Leaders in every Pokemon region.
What is a Pokemon Gym Leader?
Gym leaders not only have mastered their desired type, but that same typing permeates through their entire being. Be it in how they act, or dress, or choose their tactics.
A Gym Leader should be instantly recognizable and a force to be reckoned with. Challenging the player to grow to overcome their opposition and receive not only the satisfaction of victory, but also the reward of a Gym Badge, and then some.
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What are we Looking for in the Best Pokemon Gym Leader?
Great Pokemon Gym Leaders show a mastery of their type. They know what makes their type strong and exploits it, plus they know their type’s weakness and compensate. Their designs should communicate just as much if not more than their words.
But most of all, they should have a team that makes the best of their types. We’ll be looking at all of these factors, including all pokemon available to that gym leader and all versions of each Gym Leader to establish which Gym Leader in each region stands head and shoulders above the rest.
Galar: Raihan

This double-battling Gym leader from the Galar region closes off our Sword and Shield league challenge in a great way.
In addition to having a great sense of style, Raihan is a Dragon-type expert which usually yields some good results for any trainer willing to put in the time and care necessary to raise such a vicious type, which doesn’t have too many weaknesses.
The weaknesses they DO have however, Raihan covers well. Between his excellent use of weather to maximize what each part of his team can do, and the excellent coverage of all 3 of the Dragon type’s weaknesses, Raihan knows what makes his pokemon (and himself) look good.
Alola: Kiawe

Although Alola does not have any Gyms in the traditional sense, the Island’s Trial Captains act as perfect parallels on the league-less island region of Alola.
While full of an endearing cast of characters, Kiawe manages to not only set himself apart with a charming island trial that helped immerse us in the culture of Alola, but he also is a genuinely warm and kind person going so far as to give away his Magmar to someone to help inspire them to follow their dreams.
Kiawealso has a signature Pokemon that expresses that just as much. Kiawe uses a team full of strong fire type Pokemon, including Talonflame, Salazzle, and Arcanine, however, Alolan Marowak is his partner in both Pokemon battles and traditional Alolan dance, giving them a synergy that we don’t often see in Gym Leaders as much as some of us may want.
These qualities make Kiawe a memorable and enjoyable Trial Captain who burns up the competition.
Kalos: Olympia

This Psychic-type gym leader from Kalos may have a small team, but don’t let that fool you! Olympia’s pokemon have incredibly wide coverage, and access to a variety of tricky attacks that will stop you in your tracks. Olympia’s strongest suit is her design though.
Everything about her design, from the long flowing robes with galaxy interior that increases her psychic power, to the jewelry invoking the rings of Saturn, is completely out of this world. Come prepared to face her or you won’t even be taking off on this cosmic kerfuffle.
Unova: Elesa

Taking both Pokemon black & white and its sequel series Pokemon black 2 & white 2 into consideration, Elesa in my opinion is the best Gym leader.
Her team consists of three volt-switch users which in it itself is annoying enough. But compound that with the fact the at least one (two in the first black & white) of those volt-switchers will have immunity to ground type, and two of them have static adding the additional risk of paralysis, this fight can really take its toll on the unlucky player.
Elesa has a really cool design in both the original games as well as an awesome redesign in the sequels both of which communicate the idea of “Fashion Super Model” that changes with the times. Her Gym challenge in the sequel games also reinforces this idea by being a literal runway fashion show.
Roxy gets an honorary mention for obvious reasons.
Sinnoh: Volkner

Shocking no one, Volkner is the top dog in Sinnoh. A Pokemon Gym Leader who has lost his spark by the time we come across them in our Sinnoh adventure, Volkner is a Gym Leader with who some players could not help but empathize. He is not one to feel sorry for though, as Volkner is a wicked combatant as the last gym leader of his league.
As an electric type user, Volkner has plenty to work with and not much to worry about as electric doesn’t have many weaknesses, and the Pokemon he uses (including Electivire and Rotom) are sure to have moves to compensate. And let’s not even mention the awesome double battle against Volkner and elite four member Flint, his best friend which was really a battle that captured lightning in a bottle.
Volkner’s cool yet minimal design is reminiscent of ace and veteran trainers from some other versions of Pokemon, and the look is something that anyone would look at and want to emulate. Be careful, because Volkner hertz!
Hoenn: Tate & Liza

The terrible telepathic twosome Tate & Liza take the top spot in Hoenn, with a team of heavy hitters and some seriously bulky Pokemon in Slowking and Claydol. As the first double battle gym, you’ll be faced with some interesting challenges from the many stat changing and status inflicting moves available to Psychic-type Pokemon.
If you’re not prepared these troublesome twins can really leave your head spinning by the end of their battle.
Johto: Pryce

Ice is a type that has a lot of strengths but a lot of weaknesses and Pryce is a gym leader that understands and makes the most of them. Pryce is cool under pressure, showing the hardiness that comes with his over 50 years of experience and while he may maintain an icy disposition, he is anything but cold to his Pokemon.
Pryce’s team is packed with an avalanche of heavy-hitters utilizing not only Pokemon such as Mamoswine or Weavile, both of whom are excellent physical attackers with great coverage, but also a variety of water Pokemon who can leave any hot-headed threat hoping to just melt his team away on thin-ice.
Pryce is a great example of what it means to be a Pokemon Gym Leader which is why he takes the top spot in Johto.
Kanto: Giovanni

The Ground-type Gym Leader and the main antagonist of the Kanto games, Giovanni is truly the best of the best when it comes to Gym Leaders and manages to bury the Kantonian competition. Giovanni’s grounded design tells us he’s a no-nonsense (but very fashion-sense) kind of guy who sets a goal and makes it happen. Even if that goal is running a successful terrorist organization that was only stopped by a couple of meddling prodigies.
Giovanni’s team is just as ruthless including in its ranks Nidoking, Honchkrow, Garchomp, and the legendary Mewtwo all of which are sure to leave you grounded. This Gym Leader functions as not only an ample challenge in any situation you face him in but also remains a consistent threat throughout the story of the many games Giovanni makes his menacing presence known in, making this big boss the head honcho of Kanto Gym Leaders.
These 8 Pokemon Gym Leaders exemplify what it means to be the best Gym Leader in each of their regions. Make sure when you challenge these formidable foes you come prepared or get sent home packing!